b'BUSINESS GROWTHReady to Tackle 2025? Dont do it in Parallel!SHAWN BROOK President, Seed World Groupsbrook@seedworldgroup.comseedworldgroup.com@SeedWorldGroupHAPPY NEW YEAR!Many are now executing on their New Years2. Building Strategic Relationships. In todays intercon-resolution or solidifying a theme for 2025. Along with that, Imnected world, no company thrives in isolation. Strategic sure your company has committed to some form of strategicrelationshipswhether with customers, suppliers or even planning. competitorsare the backbone of long-term success. Does Three how questions for you: your plan actively seek to strengthen these relationships? Or is 1. How would you rate your plans clarity of purpose? it just another to-do list, disconnected from the bigger picture?2. How bought-in is your entire team to this process? 3. Making Data-Driven Decisions. Is your plan rooted in 3. How confident are you that the plan will satisfy youractionable data? Or is it based on gut feelings and assumptions?goals? But strategic planning isnt just about what you focus on If you dont answer with three solid nines or tens across the its also about what you choose NOT to focus on. Its about board, please keep reading! saying no to good ideas so you can say yes to great ones. If your Strategic planning is one of the most critical exercises forplan tries to do everything, its destined to fail. Well do it in any organization, yet its often underappreciated. From myparallel might sound appealing in the boardroom, but it really experience working with teams across the global seed sector,just splits your resources and attention. The more focused your Ive learned that a great plan has three key touchstones: plan, the better your chances of success.1. Empowering Your Team. The best plans dont just live inAs you dive into your strategic planning for the year ahead, a document; they live in your people. A truly effective strategyask yourself: Is this plan going to empower your team, build isnt about pushing your vision top-down but about engagingrelationships, and make data-driven decisions? If not, give me a your team in a way that makes them feel ownership. Are theyholler. Id love to help!empowered to act? Are they equipped to make decisions thatHeres to a focused, empowered and successful 2025!align with the companys goals?CONTRA-SEASON PRODUCTIONBringing Five-Star Service to Every Client ExperienceNICOLS SAHLI CEO, CIS Agronsahli@cischile.clcischile.cl CIS AgroWHEN YOU ENTRUSTyour genetics to another company, youSecond, luxury hotel guests are paying top dollar, and should be treated like a guest at a five-star hotel. That mightexpect more than just a comfortable bed - they want personal-sound unusual, but before I was CEO of CIS Agro, I was theized attention. This requires attention to detail, getting to know co-founder of The Singular Hotels, the most awarded luxurythem and anticipating their needs. We remember which pillows hotel line in Chile. Ultimately, I strive to bring the same level ofthey prefer, any dietary restrictions they have, and note any-service excellence to counter-season clients at CIS Agro that wething that can make them feel valued, pampered and cared for.bring to each hotel guest. Let me explain. At CIS Agro, this high level of service includes open com-First, the ceiling for the success of any business is set bymunication and ensuring we have full understanding of the the quality of its staff. When we were establishing Singulargenetics you are producing so we can do all that is required Hotels, we recognized how important it was to hand pick theto exceed your expectations. We are also familiar with the best employees, train them well, and thenmaybe mostprocesses of moving your seeds across borders and smooth this importantlyempower each one and trust them to do theirprocess for our clients.jobs. With these elite team members, we can provide premiumAnd of course, attentive service in a hotel includes meeting service to exceed customers needs. When you encounter a well- guests privacy needs. When a hotel guest comes in on a private trained, empowered staff member at any business, it increasesjet with a fake name, we fully respect and protect their ano-your confidence and smooths the process.nymity. Similarly, we protect the confidentiality of our clients This is reflected in our employees at CIS Agro. Each isat CIS Agro. We know you are trusting us with your most pre-highly trained in their area, takes great pride in their work, andcious asset, and we guard them with care.is networked into the team to ensure every piece of the processBoth luxury hotels and counter-season service rely on a meshes well with another. You can trust that both you and yourfoundation of trust, attention to detail, and exceptional staff. seeds are in good hands for every part of the counter-seasonWe aim to ensure that our clients experience with us mirrors process.the highest standards of hospitality.JANUARY 2025 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 19'