b"government partners to explore sustain-able funding models. WHAT PREVENTS US FROM INNOVATING?Yadas vision includes a provincial database consolidating research, expertiseIn a workshop held after the panel discussion at the Interprovincial Seed Grower Meeting in and infrastructure. Time is our mostCalgary Nov. 26, Seed World Canada hosted a workshop to solicit feedback from the audience valuable nonrenewable resource, and weas to how the industry can begin to design a new plant breeding model.need to use it wisely. We need mecha- The question posed: Whats stopping us from being more innovative in funding plant breeding, nisms to ensure breeders see returns onand what could make it easier to try new ideas?their investments. Some of answers given:Perhaps most importantly, panelists agreed the industry needs champions to L ack of respect for innovation and intellectual property: Insufficient appreciation for the come forward and ensure the wheels arevalue of research and IP rights. Lack of support for Variety Use Agreements (VUAs), leading to put in motion to drive action in securingmarket failure of varieties.the future of plant breeding. Drawbacks of our current variety registration system: Delays in accessing new innovations Thats where we all come in. Wecompared to competitors.need to admit there are issues and start real conversationswith farmers, with Outdated systems: Reliance on systems and processes designed decades ago.seed growers, with everyone involved,Uncertainty about the value of pedigreed seed: The question of pedigreed seeds value has Mayer said.been debated for years, possibly decades.Mayer said the current CanadianChanging the narrative on royalties: Royalties should be seen as an investment rather than model that funds and delivers varietiesa tax or cost. Farmers are resistant to extra costs like royalties due to a lack of understanding poses a risk. If we dont collectivelyabout what royalties provide.pursue alternative funding models, the system risks breaking in ways we dont Risk to producer commissions: Theres concern that proposing new funding models may lead want. to a loss of refundable checkoffs.Audience member and seed grower Need for champions: Theres a gap in having a strong advocate and consistent communication Sarah Weigum, who serves as vice-pres-ident of the ABCSG, said the discussionprogram to educate farmers about the importance of these investments.was the first time shes seriously contem- Reaching all farmers: Communicating this message to farmers who arent regularly involved plated what the future will be like within these discussions is a significant challenge.AAFCs shifting role in plant breeding.In the past when I heard that AAFC is stepping away from developing field- It was like, Okay, this is how things ready cultivars and shifting its focusare going to be, and it's not the end. We upstream, Ive felt a bit of fear and panic.can adapt and create something new.Listen to the entire panel discussion atIt's like, What are we going to do? ButI think its just about hearing the sameseedworld.com/future-of-plant-breedingtoday, hearing Francois speak, it was themessage enough times for it to sink in. first time I didnt feel so panicky, sheThe real challenge, though, is getting said. that message to farmers. HELPING YOU TAKE CONTROL THROUGH AUTOMATIONwww.ezratek.comT: (204) 331-3000 AUTOMATIC BAGGERS BULK BAG FILLERS PALLETIZERS TAGGERSJANUARY 2025 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 17"