b'CAN WHEAT MEET THE FUTURE?Farmers, researchers, and policymakers must act now to future-proof wheat breeding in Canada. Marc Zienkiewicz, Seed World Canada Senior EditorCANADAS WHEAT INDUSTRY is at a crossroads. For decades, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has been the cornerstone of wheat breed-ing in Western Canada. In fact, many of the top-performing wheat varieties in virtually every class originate from AAFC programs, notes Rob Graf, sci-ence advisor for SeedNet and himself a former wheat breeder for AAFC who bred such game-changing varieties as AAC Wildfire.During his years with AAFC, he witnessed firsthand a changing plantRobert Graf is a retired AAFCDean Hubbard is chair of theAndy Chen serves as wheat breeding landscape where government iswheat breeder and scienceCanadian Wheat Researchbreeder for Limagrain Cereals gradually pulling back from field-readyadviser for SeedNet. Coalition. Research Canada.cultivar development, and he says action is needed now to ensure a plan can be developed that will allow for a healthway in field-ready cultivar developmentmillion annually to reinvest in breed-future for wheat breeding. in Canada? ing, he says. Doubling that rate to 2 Without action, theres a real risk ofThe absence of a clear strategy couldcents would bring in $22 millionan falling behind global competitors. Wejeopardize the future competitivenessamount that could significantly bolster have to act now to establish a fundingof Canadas wheat industry, Graf says.wheat research and development while model and create an environment thatFarmers are at the heart of this conversa- sharing the financial burden fairly.attracts investment and innovation,tion, he notes. They rely on advancedRegardless of the approach, the key Graf says. wheat genetics to improve yields, enhanceis to act now and implement a system AAFC is increasingly focusing on pri- disease resistance, and withstand increas- that works for the majority, Graf adds, oritizing upstream research and needs toingly unpredictable climate conditions.but recognizes that not everyone will be move from being a direct competitor toBut advancing these innovations requireshappy about it.an innovation partner along the breedinglong-term, sustainable funding on parAccording to Dean Hubbard, chair of continuum, says Francois Eudes, nationalwith our main competitors the Canadian Wheat Research Coalition AAFC science lead for the breedingand a member of the Alberta Grains innovation and crop germplasm develop- The Funding Question board of directors, diversified funding ment portfolio. He also serves as directorOne potential solution Graf believesstreams to future-proof plant breeding of research, development and technologycould play a role is the adoption of anare essential. of the Science and Technology Branch atend-point royalty (EPR) system, whichEnd point royalties, for example, AAFC for sites located in Alberta. charges royalties at the point of grainhave strong proponents who argue they AAFC remains deeply committeddelivery. This system aligns the cost withprovide a sustainable funding model. to plant breeding. Whats happening is aproductivityfarmers pay more inHowever, designing a system that works shift in how we contribute. This doesntgood years when yields are higher andfor all stakeholders is no easy task.mean were abandoning breeding; itless in challenging years. A common concern is the reliance means were evolving our role to workTo put this in perspective, Canadaon farmers to shoulder the majority of together with partners to ensure inno- produces an average of about 1.1 billionthe funding burden through mechanisms vations make it to the market withoutbushels of wheat annually. While thelike checkoffs, he says. While checkoffs breaking the innovation pipeline. level of EPR required to attract invest- are indeed critical and valuable, they While this research is vital, the loom- ment would require study, a modest EPRcant be the sole solution. ing challenge is clear: Who will lead theof 1 cent per bushel could generate $11We have to have a funding model 4 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JANUARY 2025'