b'January 2025 - Vol. 28, No. 1The magazine of the Canadian seed industryPUBLISHED BY PUBLISHER DIRECTOR OF GROWTHSeed World Group Shawn Brook, sbrook@seedworldgroup.com Theresa Ramsoomair,200-449 Main St., Box 478, Oakbank, MB R0E 1J0 tramsoomair@seedworldgroup.comPhone: (204) 453-1965, Fax: (204) 475-5247 DIRECTOR OF CONTENTemail: info@seedworldgroup.comMadeleine Baerg, mbaerg@seedworldgroup.com MARKETINGseedworld.com/canada Charlene McIvor, cmcivor@seedworldgroup.com SUBSCRIPTIONS MANAGING EDITORCanada $47.25/year including GSTMichelle Clarke, mclarke@seedworldgroup.com CREATIVEForeign $95/year Kyle Dratowany, kdratowany@seedworldgroup.comLesley Nakonechny,Seed World Canada makes no expressed orSENIOR EDITOR lnakonechny@seedworldgroup.comimplied warranties of merchantability or fitness for aMarc Zienkiewicz,particular purpose or otherwise, concerning the usemzienkiewicz@seedworldgroup.comof any product and assumes no liability for any injuryCIRCULATIONor damage, direct or consequential, incurred fromASSOCIATE EDITORS Dean French, dfrench@seedworldgroup.comthe use of such products or services therein. Federal,Marcel Bruins, mbruins@seedworldgroup.comProvincial and Municipal laws and regulationsAimee Nielson, anielson@seedworldgroup.comsupersede the information contained herein.Publications Mail Agreement No. 40030841.ADVERTISING/SALESReturn undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Craig Armstrong, carmstrong@seedworldgroup.comSeed World Group Christopher Blenkin, cblenkin@seedworldgroup.com SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA200-449 Main St., Box 478, Oakbank, MBR0E 1J0Dean French, dfrench@seedworldgroup.comSEEDWORLDCANPRINTED IN CANADA@SEEDWORLDCANPlease recycle where facilities exist. SEED WORLD CANADANo part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.We acknowledge the [financial] support of the Government of Canada.2 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADAJANUARY 2025'