b'RECOGNIZING THE BEST OF THE BESTThe 2025 Canadian Plant Breeding Innovation (CPBI) Awards celebrate three scholarship recipients and three visionary breeders from the University of Saskatchewan.Marc ZienkiewiczWITH THE COMMON goals of recognizing achievement and innovation in plant breeding and shining a spotlight on the contributions made by plant breeders in Canada, the Canadian Plant Breeding Innovation (CPBI) Awards program is celebrat-ing its sixth year.The CPBI Awardswhich were formed in 2020 when the Seed of the Year and Canadian Plant Breeding and Genetics Awards came together under one umbrellaare an oppor-tunity to recognize plant breeders at various stages in their careers. It is broken down into the following components: CPBI Innovation Scholarships (formerly Seed of the Year scholarships)Recognizing up-and-coming young plant breeders. The scholarships enjoy the support of 11 great spon-sors this year (see right) with three $3,500 scholarships being handed out. Seed of the YearHonouring the accomplishments of breeders and a game-changing variety they created, with the intention of bolstering knowledge of the importance of breed-ing programs in Canada. Canadian Plant Breeding and Genetics AwardSponsored by Seeds Canada and Seed World Canada, it is presented annually to a public or private sector researcher who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of Canadian plant agriculture through research in plant breeding and genetics.Congratulations to all and thank-you to our wonderful sponsors, who make it all possible! 20 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JANUARY 2025'