b'Thinking of joining one of CSGAs re-introduced membership classes? Fill out the interest form at docs.seedcert.ca/Forms/fTrZE and visit seedgrowers.ca/consultation-membershipclasses-2024/ for more info on the two classesCSGA OPENS UP ITS MEMBERSHIP TO THE WIDER SEED COMMUNITYReintroduction of two membership classes will allow non-seed growers to join the ranks.Marc ZienkiewiczIN A SPECIAL MEMBER meeting held in November in Calgary at the Interprovincial Seed Growers Meeting, the Canadian Seed Growers Association (CSGA) approved the reintroduction of two new membership classes that will open up CSGAs mem-bership to seed sector stakeholders other than just seed growers.Members voted unanimously to approve the reintroduction of its Associate and Affiliate classes.Affiliate membership is defined as a member who sup-ports the production of pedigreed seed, CSGA Executive Director Doug Miller explained. This could encompass seed analysts, crop inspectors, and operators of Registered SeedBrian Ellis, president of theCSGA Executive DirectorAlberta-British Columbia SeedDoug Miller.Establishments (RSEs), as well as seed companies not produc- Growers.ing breeder or hybrid crops. Affiliate members would be able to attend member-to-member sessions, submit member propos-als, attend and vote at AGMs on relevant topics, and would beEXPANDING THE CSGA COMMUNITY: eligible to join the CSGA board of directors. They would not beWHY IT MATTERSeligible for voting on membership or acreage fees. These rights remain with the Regular Members, those producing the seedThe introduction of Affiliate and Associate memberships enables the crop. The rights and privileges of CSGA Regular members haveCanadian Seed Growers Association (CSGA) to welcome a broader not changed. range of stakeholders into the seed certification system. The Associate membership, on the other hand, is forBy diversifying its membership base, CSGA says it strengthens industry associations involved or interested in pedigreed seedexpertise, enriches perspectives, and enhances collaboration production. during this critical phase of seed sector modernization. These new Associate members could attend member-to-member ses- membership classes provide a pathway for more voices to shape the sions and submit member proposals as well as attend and votebig-picture issues that are reshaping Canadas seed sector.at AGMs on relevant topics, but would not be eligible for votingAffiliate Membershipson membership, acreage fees or the board of directors. Available to any regulated party in Canadas seed certification system, Weve been working to build an open and inclusive seedincluding:certification system for years, Miller said. Our goal is toSeed growers or CSGA-recognized plant breeders wishing to ensure all regulated parties have a seat at the table, making themaintain membership but not actively producing seedsystem stronger and more representative. Seed analysts, crop inspectors, Registered Seed Establishments, and The Membership Interest Form (available at docs.seedcert. seed laboratoriesca/Forms/fTrZE) lets you pre-register now so that youll be firstSeed companies not producing Breeder seed or hybrid cropsin line when the new membership package launches in mid- Associate MembershipsFebruary, Miller said. Its a quick and easy way to show yourOpen to any sector association or organization with an interest in interest in the Affiliate or Associate class. CSGA has also prior- pedigreed seed production, including:itized access and affordability with a $240 unified membership Seed sector associationsfee across all three classesRegular, Affiliate, and Associate.Associations where CSGA is currently a member (reciprocal The move is getting a thumbs-up from seed growers.membership)Anytime you can collaborate with others in the industry, National and provincial associationsits a win. Whether its seed growers, analysts, or crop inspec-Companies supporting pedigreed seed productiontors, bringing those perspectives together can lead to some International organizations like AOSCA and ISTAreally valuable conversations, says Brian Ellis, president of the Governmental organizationsAlberta-British Columbia Seed Growers (ABCSG). 12 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JANUARY 2025'