b'CSGA / SEEDGROWERS.CA / A BRIGHT FUTURE LIES AHEAD120 YEARS OF CSGA:A LEGACY OF EXCELLENCE AND A CALL TO ACTIONAS I THINK BACKover the past 12 decades of the Canadian SeedIm calling on our membership to take Growers Association (CSGA), I cant help but marvel at its his- an active role in shaping the path forward. torya history that mirrors that of Canadas entire agricul- Participate in CSGA initiatives, advo-ture industry. Both are deeply rooted in a legacy of dedication,cate for strong certification systems, and hard work and innovation. For those of us in seed growing, thisstay engaged in the evolving seed sector. isnt just a job; its a calling. We are stewards of a mission farTogether, we can ensure that the legacy of greater than ourselves. Canadian seed growers remains vibrant Being a seed grower means living a life of purpose and impactful for generations to come.honouring the traditions of those who came before us whileId like to express my heartfelt thanks harnessing science and innovation to build a sustainable future.to the dedicated staff of CSGA and its By Glenn Logan,Its about improving disease resistance, safeguarding our foodprovincial branches. Their tireless efforts President supply, and maintaining the highest standards of seed qual- keep this organization running smoothly. ity. These values are the lifeblood of our work, and theyre whyId also like to acknowledge the many organizations like CSGA exist.leaders, past and present, whove guided Ive had the privilege of serving on both provincial andus through both triumphs and challenges.national CSGA boards over the years. Many of you reading thisAs we look ahead to a new year and have made similar commitments, often during busy times whenthe beginning of CSGAs 13 thdecade, its it might have been easier to say no. But we showed up becausea time to both celebrate our progress and we knew it was the right thing to dofor seed certification,anticipate the opportunities ahead. The Canadian farmers, and the future of agriculture in this country. true strength of CSGA lies in its dedi-This year, as we celebrate 120 years of the CSGA, werecated members, and Im confident that, reminded of how far weve come. From the early days of stocktogether, we will uphold our reputation seed distribution committees to the robust certification systemas global leaders in seed certification and we have today, the progress has been extraordinary. While weinnovation.honour the incredible achievements of our past, we are equallyHeres to 120 years of a strong foun-excited about the bright future ahead.dation and to our bright future. CSGAs recent re-introduction of Affiliate and Associate memberships opens the door for more stakeholders to actively participate in the day-to-day seed certification system. ThisThinking of joining one of CSGAs re-introduced initiative enhances expertise, diversity, and collaboration at amembership classes? Fill out the interest form atcritical moment in the modernization of Canadas seed sector,docs.seedcert.ca/Forms/fTrZE fostering broader involvement in addressing the big-pictureFor details on the new classes visit seedgrowers.ca/issues that will shape our future. consultation-membershipclasses-2024/CSGA recently celebrated its 120th birthday at the 2024 Interprovincial Seed Growers meeting in Calgary.10 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JANUARY 2025'