b'PARTNER CONTENTQuality CropsServing the EU and BeyondS trategically located in Braila, Braila County, Romania, Qual-ity Crops is at the forefront of the European Unions seed industry. Due to the countrys climate and location, Roma-nia has become a hot spot for seed production, and according to Quality Crops owner and CEO, Manuel Coronado, their location is part of their success story.Our business operations are based in Romania, location select-ed for its very specific benefitsRomania has become the new fron-tier for seed production due to its climate, rich soils, experienced work force and low cost base relative to other European countries, Coronado says. The countrys status as a member of the European Union and its proximity to Eastern markets also provides European seed companies with a vital competitive advantage.He says they have built a network of top-performing seed produc-ers in the counties of Braila, Iasi, Ialomita, Calarasi and Teleorman. Located in the eastern part of the country, this region has the most fertile soils and the most experienced seed growers in Romania.Production and LogisticsWorking with experienced seed growers, Quality Crops has built a network of top-performing seed producers to obtain the best quality for their seeds. And why wouldnt they? At Quality Crops, not only are their seedsmen top notch, but their experienced production team are working hard behind the scenes. Quality Crops supplies complete seed processing lines for all major crops.Fertile soils, irrigation and experienced growers: key to the success As well, a brand-new modern storage space for ready-to-treat seedof Quality Crops in Romania.and for finished-seed allows Quality Crops to handle more than 3,000 tones per season. developed an online system which offers real-time access to our Throughout our two production lines (sunflowers, soybeans,clients to the info related to field and plant activities.corn, rapeseed) we can supply solutions for cleaning and grad- Coronado says Quality Crops is the first full seed production ing, assuring gentle handling and strict genuine sorting accuracy,service company in Romania, offering to international seed com-without any danger of mixing sorts, says Coronado. We are alsopanies a unique combination of specialist skills in seed produc-using color sorting which allows us to detect and remove eachtion, expertise in international business, and an intimate knowl-seed with possible defects that might affect seed germination oredge of the local market.seedling vigor. Our state-of-the-art seed conditioning plant, staffed by our We have the ability to accurately apply a variety of seed treat- experience production team, and our network of top seed growers ments at their specific rates which is vital to ensure adequatecan provide a complete outsourcing solution, he says.product performance, while minimizing costs and having a posi- With the outsourcing, not only does Quality Crops have the tive impact on the environment. capacity to cover all the activities from sowing the first seed to With a logistics support team who is able to ship seeds to everydelivery of the final processed products, but risk is minimized part of the European Unionwith official documentation due to the specialist skills of their team, and the combination of deliveries are also made to non-EU countries. our experience, connections and knowledge of the local market. As a reliable supplier of high-quality non-GMO seeds, QualityUsing local resources allows Quality Crops to minimize their Crops has secured an increasing number of clients from throughoutenvironmental impact.the European Union, Argentina, Ukraine, Russia and even the U.S. Experience, knowledge and trust are the three pillars on which We carry out rigorous and on-time field controls at differentQuality Crops has built it success in the seed production services stages of crop growth to ensure that there are no circumstancesindustry. Quality Crops has been rapidly growing since estab-which might affect the seeds to be harvested, he says. We havelished in 2004 and shows no signs of slowing down.JUNE 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /67'