b'get the best deal for America, like President TrumpCloser Relationshipsbelieved in doing, Thatcher says. Biden said he wasCooperation is something Claudio Feulner is already going to go back to the model of working with ourseeing happen when it comes to trade relations friends to come to an agreement for how a good tradebetween Canada and the United States. The regulatory system should work to benefit everyone involved. affairs and trade manager for Seeds Canada points to Under the carbon bank proposal, the Biden admin- the close working relationship Seeds Canada has with istration has discussed giving farmers financial incen- ASTA as a prime example.tive to plant nitrogen-fixing crops and make otherEarlier this year, Seeds Canada changes to their farm to help sequester carbon in soil. further integrated its Garden & Vegetable Seed Working Group Cutting Emissions with ASTAs Flower & Vegetable Meanwhile, companies in the seed sector are makingWorking Group. an effort to get in on the climate discussion as a way ofObviously, when it comes being part of the overall climate change solution.to the Biden administration, Novozymes has endorsed an industry call for thewere quite in line with what United States to make an ambitious contribution totheir approach seems to be. tackling climate change by 2030 through cuttingSustainability is something that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to at least 50%Seeds Canada already supports. below 2005 levels, something the company says canYou might have seen that the be achieved in no small part through bio innovation.International Seed Federation The call is part of a campaign by Ceres and the We(ISF) asked its members to sup-Mean Business coalition to bolster action on climateport their declaration for the seedSyngentas Mary Kay Thatcher says change towards a zero-carbon economy. sector to help to reach some ofthe new administration is taking We can harness the renewable potential of mil- the UNs Sustainable Developmentlonger than she would have thought lions of acres of cropland, sequester GHG emissions,Goals, Feulner says.to make major announcements boost yields, and increase the production of renewableThe Seed Sector Declaration,concerning trade.energy made from farm crops such as corn or soy- signed by seed companies around beans, says Brian Brazeau, Novozymes president forthe world, was launched by ISF North America. With smart policy and smart science,in March as a part of the sectors the Biden administration can raise the bar for nationsengagement with the UN Food around the world, but to do that, its vital that biofuelsSystems Summit, scheduled for are core in the U.S. strategy. September 2021. According to the International Energy Agency,The document acknowledges biofuels are expected to contribute more to reducingthe challenge for agriculture to global emissions in the decades ahead than any otherproduce sufficient, safe and nutri-technologyincluding battery power. It is estimatedtious food for a global population that 30% of transportation fuel could already beexpected to reach 10 billion by replaced if nations are committed to achieving this. 2050, amid rising pressure from Brazeau believes that biology and biotechnologyclimate change, effective biodi-are poised to catalyze what he calls the next agricul- versity preservation and natural tural and industrial revolution. resource scarcity.Brian Brazeau of Novozymes says But to do that, the public needs to understand whatWe support the declara- the Biden administrations approach kind of impact biology and biotechnology can have.tion 100%. The U.S. has alreadyto renewable fuels will be crucial in We have a wonderful example of that in the etha- rejoined the Paris Climatethe fight against climate change.nol industry, where we have scaled the biological tech- Agreement. Sustainability is back nology and combined it with agriculture and energyon the agenda again, which helps put us in a good infrastructure, to bring a product to the market whichspot as an industry because we know the worlds reduces greenhouse gas emissions in all kinds of ways,most powerful nation is on the same page with what and yet, it isnt talked about in that light, he says. were trying to do here in Canada in regard to a holistic Its really important that people are aware thatapproach to trade policy and cross-border collabora-starting today, theres more that we can do to mitigatetion, Feulner adds.SWclimate change by making ethanol an even more inte-gral part of our liquid fuel infrastructure.Brazeau says hes encouraged by the administra- WHEREThis story has been condensed for print. You can view the story in its ON THE entirety online to learn other details about what experts are watching out tions commitment to the Renewable Fuel StandardWEB for with Bidens administration. Please visit: seedworld.comand support of the ethanol industry and farmers.10/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2021'