b'Its All About Denise interacts with the right people, briefs me on what not to say, provides the necessary background on legislators and staff, and reiterates RELATIONSHIPS the important points for me to share, he says. As with everything pandemic-related, com-municating with state and federal legislative staffers has changed. To establish relationships requires more virtual and phone meetings, more written communications and less or no drop-Learn to effectively connectping into a legislators office. with lawmakers. It has always been respectful to ask the guidelines for office policies at the state and Barb Baylor Anderson federal levels, says Denise. Now it is even more imperative to inquire about masks, appoint-WHETHER A HANDSHAKE,elbow bump, personal meet- ments and preferences to reduce embarrass-ing or Zoom call, stakeholders within the seed industry havement for you and the legislative staff. had to learn to navigate the new normal to stay connected. ThatBryan has found personal relationships are not includes efforts to educate policy makers about critical issuesessential. As long as a professional connection affecting the industry.is made, legislators generally have confidence in While those involved in connecting with legislators and staff- our abilities to be a reliable information source. ers at the state and federal levels all have tips for success, there isThe challenge is staff turnover can be high, which one thing they agree works. Its all about establishing and main- affects ability to cultivate relationships.taining relationships.The best way to connect with lawmakers is to start a dia- Educate About Critical Issueslogue, says Brad May, vice president, global strategic market- It is all about relationships and knowing they ing seed treatments, with BASF. May also is incoming Americancan call us, adds Pat Miller, ASTA director of Seed Trade Association (ASTA) chair. We share information onstate government affairs. I like to be ahead of the level they need and listen to their concerns and questions. Atthe curve in sharing information with legislators, the same time, it is very effective to share firsthand experiencesso when things happen on issues, they know that lawmakers can relate to, especially when it leads to safe andIf the they can call me first. healthy sustainable food. Miller works with state leaders to identify John Latham, president of Latham Hi-Tech Seeds in Sheffield,topic isand frame critical issues. With a new administra-Iowa, and current ASTA chair agrees.controversial,tion, the list of topics of interest nationwide has Get into policy and share top priorities but connect it to yourit may bebroadened. One overarching theme has been business or family so they remember you, he says. If the topic issustainability, which encompasses many of the controversial, it may be difficult to discuss, but that makes it moredifficult toother top priority issues like innovation, treated crucial. Tell the why story and back it up with fact and reason. discuss, butseed, plant breeding and gene editing, pollina-that makes ittors, conservation, and weeds. Establish the Right ConnectionsASTA is positioned to be effective on any The seed industry is unique in that it provides many entries formore crucial.seed-related issue. GMO labeling and regulations establishing relationships and discussing issues. Denise Gentsch,Tell the whylegislation was extremely active in the states for a legislative director for Texas Seed Trade Association, says itsstory andfew years, he says. Congress stepped in with a diverse members include independent company owners, seeduniform national solution that eliminated poten-breeders, national and international corporation sales reps andback it uptial for a regulations patchwork across states.managers and allied shipping and equipment manufacturers.with fact andLatham says educating urban lawmakers Every segment shares an understanding of the industry fromreason.about rural issues is part of that process. This is a different perspective, she says, so opportunities crop up regu- an example of the importance of relationships, larly to educate lawmakers, regulators, customers and the public. John Latham he says. We need to keep them informed about Denises husband, Bryan Gentsch, is executive vice presidentthe seed industry with regard to plant breeding. for Texas Seed Trade Association. He relies on Denise to coor- We want to avoid the negative GMO experience.dinate the strategy and process of advocacy efforts while heDenise Gentsch finds policymakers and staff-furnishes the technical and business logic of their associationsers are typically intrigued but quickly over-positions in a concise, communicable form.whelmed by discussions about new discoveries 30/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2021'