b'PROTECTING INNOVATIONLeading is Defining Reality, Then Saying Thank YouThe first responsibility of a leader is to define reality.to feed a growing population. Seed innovations also The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is aimprove our natural resource efficiency by reducing servant.Max DePree water usage, energy usage and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse emissions. This is a tall order! WHEN I BECAMESIPA program board chair inThere are three things everyone in our industry June 2018, I couldnt have anticipated the transi- should know about seed innovations: tions that SIPA would undertake. In addition to plan- 1. The value of seed innovationning and implementing SIPAs programmed activities,2. How to protect seed innovationswe successfully transitioned the executive director3. Intellectual property rights for seed innovationsposition from our founding executive director, JamesSIPA continues to pursue its mission to provide CORINNE MARSHALLWeatherly, to industry veteran and former SIPA pro- education and to promote best practices to the seed is the senior IP &gram board member, Eloy Corona. This all happenedindustry regarding the value of seed innovation, seed licensing manager forwhile under travel and meeting restrictions initiated asintellectual property protection and intellectual property Sakata Seed America,a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. rights for seed innovations. SIPA was formed to create Inc. She has serveda unified and consistent voice for education and best as a board memberpractices in IP protection and its value to our industry. of the USDA PlantSeed innovations also improve our natural2021 marks the 7th anniversary of the SIPA. Since Variety Protectionits inception, SIPA has championed the importance (PVP) Office as wellresource efficiency by reducing water usage,of intellectual property protection within the seed as chair of the SIPAenergy usage and contributing to the reductionindustry. During the past three years, SIPA has devel-Flower & Vegetableoped educational seminars and webinars, infringe-division board.of greenhouse emissions.ment investigation programs, pilot audit programs and has conducted valuable survey research within our industry. SIPA is now a widely recognized and highly At our 2018 program board meeting, the boardregarded organization within the seed industry. SIPA is made a commitment to expand its outreach to grow- well positioned to continue its mission to improve the ers. As a result, SIPA launched a new advertisingunderstanding of innovation, protection of innovation campaign and promoted the benefits of seed innova- and respect for intellectual property rights within the tions and respect for intellectual property to growers.seed industry. This makes SIPA a sustainable organiza-Industry researchers work continuously to develoption that continues to add value to our industry. The seed innovations that allow us to produce crops withwork that SIPA does is important and will have lasting increased disease resistance, better quality, increasedimpacts for growers and consumers worldwide. This yield, improved shipping ability and longer shelf-life.makes me excited for future of SIPA. These characteristics provide a direct benefit to grow- Leading the SIPA program board of directors ers, but innovation doesnt stop there.for the past 36 months has been perhaps the most While researchers continue to improve seed forchallenging and rewarding experience of my lifetime. growers, they are also working to improve productsThank you for the opportunity to serve the SIPA for consumers. These improvements include increasedprogram and the seed industry in this capacity. I look nutritional components, enhanced flavor and freshness.forward to continuing to participate as a member of Seed innovations allow us to maximize the potential ofthe SIPA program board as there is still so much to the seed, increase crop yields and further our abilitydo!SW42/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2021'