b'S T R A T E G YThis survey is the first time anybody has analytically looked at seed test variability. This data will allow us to make better decisions. Along both sides, there is a certain amount of frustration.We have to be patient. The timeline starts over now. Jason Goltzamaranth out of Minnesota,fied. Different methods canalways be a top priority forwith a getcha attitude is the it is critical that we knowlegitimately arrive at differentAOSA and SCST. Even whenlast thing we want to do. As a that analysts are finding andresults. all aspects of seed samplingregulatory association, we col-IDing palmer amaranth seeds.Report formats are notand seed testing are done bylaborated with the study and We never dreamed that labsconsistent which makes itthe book, there will always beturned that information over participating in this studydifficult to understand andoccasions where test resultsto the Associations. Now we would not find and ID noxiouscompare results from variouswill vary. But overall, whenwait to see what happens.species seeds. Most of the 12labs. There is a need for moreconsidering the volume ofWorking groups cannot labs missed or misidentifiedcomprehensive and moreseed lots tested in the Uniteddo it alone. AASCO needs to at least one noxious weedconsistent reporting of testStates every year, and thetake an active role in working species. results and procedures. This isvast number of seed kindswith SCST and AOSA. The An analyst can have aespecially true for tests suchtested, seed testing uniform- seed industry needs to come lot of experience with seedas TZ and germination testingity across AOSA and SCSTtogether to devise a way to testing in general, but somefor which multiple methodsmember labs is generally con- deal with outlier labs. Labs seed kinds require much moreare allowed under AOSA rules.sidered to be pretty good. need to understand that the expertise than experience.Total viability results indicatedFor the seed testingindustry knows about this wide variability. system to work, everyoneproblem and is working to do Concluding Observations Numerous inconsistencies,involved, including seedsomething about it. There is a Overall, purity analysis resultsdeviations, ambiguities and abuyers, sellers, marketers andrenewed, top-down commit-(percentage purity, inert,lack of updated informationseed testing labs, needs toment for labs to be neither a weed and other crops) wererelating to the implementa- be committed to a partner- buyers nor sellers lab but to consistent among labs. Intion of the AOSA rules wereship to work on these issues.strive for accuracy, integrity general, all 12 labs adhered toobserved. Most of these wereThe seed industry has helpedand honesty for everyone.testing and reporting AOSAmisclassifications of detectedcreate inconsistency prob- The timeline begins now. rules and guidance. However,foreign seeds in either thelem by its willingness to sendThis survey is the first time confusing information andnoxious or purity exam.samples to a lab to get resultsanybody has analytically many ambiguities wereWhether the labs involved infavorable to their position aslooked at seed test variability, observed.this study are representativebuyer or seller. concludes Goltz. We have While the labs were par- of the general lab populationOther studies would havenever had this information laid tially to blame for such irregu- is unknown. been easier to do, but thisout like this before. This data larities, the survey organizersstudy gives the industry andwill allow us to make better report existing rules probablyThe Timeline Starts AOSA and SCST enoughdecisions. There is a certain significantly contributed toOver Now information so they can moveamount of frustration among these irregularities. WhenEncouraging and improv- forward to identify what isseed labs, seed companies multiple methods are per- ing seed testing uniformityreally going on and then bringand seed customers. We have mitted, the method used inacross all seed testing labsthem back into compliance,to be patient. The timeline the test needs to be speci- has always been and willsays Goltz. Going out therestarts over now.SWENDORSED BY 46/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2021'