b'Achieving Differentiationin the Seed IndustryIVE STAYED CONNECTEDwith IowaThe folks at Iowa State were intrigued.germplasm or traits, while others use it to State University since earning my mastersThey asked me to put some thoughtsposition some of the lineup at a different degree in seed technology and businesstogether for an upcoming seed businessprice point.in 2012. During a recent discussion withshort course. I analyzed the differencesThis is something the multinationals the Seed Science Center team, I men- between how independent companiesdont seem to be replicating. All the major tioned that it felt like independent seedand multinationals presented their brandscompanies have acquired regional seed companies were becoming more com- on their websites and in their ad copy. company brands since 2004. The retained fortable selling multiple brands and howIt was eye-opening. brands are targeted to regional or state-that was quite a shift from a few yearsThe brand sites of the multinationalsspecific markets and emphasize the local ago. Many independent seed companyshowed that the flagship brands toutedaspect of that historic brand. In all cases, brands contain the hometown or familyperformance and yield as the key attrib- however, that regional brand has a base name. Adding another brand seemed likeutes. The regional brands owned bylineup similar to the flagship brand.a big step. those same companies emphasized theIndependent seed companies can local focus of that particular brandlikecapitalize on this by maintaining a local Wisconsin Proud, for example. message while layering in the choices My visit to independent seed companyand options message through multiple, websites found a similar local message.unique brands. These options highlight the These companies were leaning on the factindependent companies real strength and that their brand should be the preferredpoint to true differentiation: the ability to choice because they know the areas soilsoffer germplasm and traits from multiple and conditions and could recommend theproviders.best product. Their family lives there, soI see the path forward for independ-this positioning makes sense. ent companies to serve as a trusted, local But are those same companies missingadvisor. They live there, understand the a chance at real differentiation? Could aarea, and deliver the right solution from deeper dive reveal a more impactful mes- any provider through a unique brand. sage they could bring to the forefront? There is the risk of diluting the main Its choices and options. Mostcompany name. If positioned correctly, I independent companies now offer mul- think independent seed companies can tiple brands under their family or home- leverage their position as local experts town umbrella. Some use the additionaland ensure the farmer gets the best seed brand(s) as a way to access uniquechoice, no matter where it originates.JIM SCHWEIGERT PRESIDENT, GRO ALLIANCE @jim_schweigert jim.schweigert@groalliance.comGroAlliance.com26/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2021'