b'A New AdministrationA New President, a New FocusBrady noted that with a new administra-tion in the White House comes a bit of a Means New Focuses feeling out period. With the new administration and new Congress, a lot of our focus has been figuring out who is doing what and where, Brady says. With the cabinet being established and new Congressional As the PLDC quickly approaches, ASTA highlights newmembers coming in, positions are still focuses for lobbying efforts.Alex Martin being finalized. Because of that, Brady says the No. 1 priority now has been learning exactly what the federal priorities are going to be. THERES A NEWsheriff in townWe had a little bit of an insight as to thats causing a quite a stir in thewhat that would look like with the presi-industry when it comes to policy priori- dential campaign and everything leading ties. Who is it, you may ask?up to the new administration and new Well, its the entire BidenCongress, she says. But really, things are Administration.still ramping up and executive orders and With a new administration comes newoverarching policies are just now getting challenges, in particular to focus on poli- released and laid out. cies and advocacy. The American SeedWhile everythings still being mapped Trade Association (ASTA) is no different.out, Brady does note two important With a change in administration cameissues thats been raised to the top of a new learning curve, as well as a newmind at ASTA: climate change and sus-focus. tainability. Seed World talked with JanaeClimate change and sustainability Brady, senior director of govern- and where the seed industry fits into that ment affairs, and Pat Miller,discussion is important on our docket, director of state governmentshe says. Were engaged in a handful of affairs, to see what ASTAscoalitions and industry efforts, both at the new focuses are fordomestic and international level, because the upcoming Policytheres going to be a lot of focus at the and LeadershipWhite House and in Congress, as well as Developmentsome international policies being devel-Conferenceoped around the world.(PLDC) inHowever, Brady notes that while the Washingtonnew administration has greased the D.C. wheels of the climate change and sustain-ability discussion, the talks were already gaining momentum prior to the shift. Over the last couple of years in par-ticular, the agriculture industry has espe-cially been trying to figure out what our role needs to be, Brady says. And weve been making moves toward establishing that position. But certainly, thats been an elevated conversation with the new administration. 38/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2021'