b"INDUSTRY NEWSTAILORED TO SEED PROFESSIONALS, INDUSTRY NEWS DELIVERS THE PEOPLE, RESEARCH, BUSINESS AND PRODUCT NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW. SUBMISSIONS ARE WELCOME. EMAIL US AT NEWS@SEEDWORLDGROUP.COM.On Sept. 4, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyenvate seed companies across Africa and has around 100 members. presented the final report of the Strategic Dialogue on the futureThe event will provide opportunities for marketing, networking, of EU agriculture, a crucial step in developing a new agri-foodknowledge sharing, and exploring innovations, while also offering policy centered on innovation and competitiveness. Chaired bymedia exposure and a chance to experience Rwandas rich culture.Professor Peter Strohschneider, the six-month dialogue involved 30 organizations, including financial institutions, farmer groups, industries, and NGOs. The 100-page report showcases diverse per- The James Hutton Institute in Dundee has secured 350k from spectives, as noted in a Euroseeds press release. the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council for pioneering medicinal cannabis research. Additionally, 867k was raised for two projects: 305k for light pulsing in vertical farming New plant breeding breakthroughs are expected in the next 10 toand 562k for genetic tools to enhance indoor lettuce breeding. 20 years, according to a global seed sector survey. Over 90% of seedCombined with 1.22m from industry partners, the total funding industry insiders predict innovations that will produce more resilientreaches 2.4m. These projects will be conducted at the Institute's and productive crops, essential for global food security. Nearly 45%Advanced Plant Growth Centre, part of the Tay Cities Regional of respondents cited climate change as the sectors biggest challenge.Deal, supported by 45m from the UK Government and 17m from The survey, commissioned by the International Seed Federation,the Scottish Government.involved over 200 experts across seven regions and highlights future opportunities and threats.The UK Government published a summary of recent changes to the actions and scheme information for the expanded Sustainable On September 30, the British Government announced new lawsFarming Incentive (SFI) on GOV.UK. The majority of the updates to promote precision breeding technology to enhance food pro- have been implemented based on feedback from farmers, stake-duction, reduce costs for farmers, and enable the cultivation ofholder organizations, and other experts. The schemes design accom-drought- and disease-resistant crops. Gene editing will help createmodates ongoing improvements, and we appreciate everyone who more nutritious crops that are resistant to pests, resilient to climatecontinues to contribute to shaping the SFI. change, and environmentally beneficial. This initiative aims to lower pesticide use, protect pollinators, boost investment in the sector, strengthen food security, increase production, and reduce costs forBioceres Crop Solutions Corp. has just achieved a major milestone farmers. with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) giving the green light to its HB4 wheat technology. The USDAs favoura-ble Regulatory Status Review, conducted by the Animal and Plant The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has confirmed thatHealth Inspection Service, has determined that HB4 wheat does Category 1 NGT plants pose no additional risks compared tonot pose any increased plant pest risk compared to conventional those from traditional breeding methods. In a report to the EUwheat. This ruling effectively clears the path for HB4 wheat produc-Parliaments Envi Committee, EFSA concluded that genetic modi- tion in the United States, which ranks as the fourth largest wheat fications in NGT plants are consistent with those in conventionallyproducer globally and the largest in the Americas.bred plants, reinforcing their equivalence. This aligns with previous assessments from EFSA and other European bodies. Lantmnnen has joined PAN Sweden, a research center focused on plant-based proteins, which recently secured Formas funding until The Pulse Crop Genetic Improvement Network (PCGIN) will2028. Led by rebro University, PAN Sweden aims to transform receive funding for the next five years to support researchers andplant-based proteins into nutritious, flavorful products that support stakeholders in enhancing breeding material for UK-grown peas,gut, metabolic, and mental health, while also studying consumer beans, and other pulses. These crops provide alternative proteinbehavior. The center's goal is to make Sweden a leader in sustainable sources and improve soil health by reducing the need for nitrogenfood innovation.fertilizers. The research will address pests and diseases like root rot in peas and bruchid beetles in faba beans, while also improving traits like protein content, mineral levels, and flavour. G7 agriculture ministers have introduced a new initiative to improve Africas participation in the OECD seed certification scheme, aiming to bolster agricultural activity and its role in economic The African Seed Trade Association (AFSTA) will host their 25thdevelopment. The G7-OECD Joint Initiative: Strengthening Seed Anniversary Congress at the Serena Kigali Hotel, Rwanda, onCertification in Africa, unveiled during a meeting in Syracuse March 3-5, 2025. AFSTA, founded in 2000, advocates for pri-36ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | NOVEMBER 2024"