b'LEARN HOW TO PROTECT YOUR NEW PLANT VARIETIESNEW COURSES ON PLANT BREEDERS RIGHTS FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. BY: MARCEL BRUINSP lant variety protection (PVP) is anProject Coordinator at Naktuinbouw toUPOV convention, administrative pro-important tool for breeding compa- find out what changes have been made tocesses, a detailed analysis of the technical nies to protect their new varieties.their PVP course. aspects of DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity, And studies have shown that having anand Stability) examination, and the effective system of plant variety protectionSEED WORLD EUROPE (SWE):LAURA,enforcement of rights and exemptions.in a country, encourages the developmentCAN YOU EXPLAIN IN A NUTSHELL of new varieties of plants, and contributesWHAT THE COURSE ENTAILS? SWE: WHAT ARE THE CHANGES COM-to the development of agriculture andLAURA PIN GONZLEZ (LPG): ThePARED TO PREVIOUS EDITIONS?horticulture for the benefit of society. Forcourse "Plant Breeders Rights for FoodLPG: Although the program has been many years, the Netherlands InspectionSecurity and Economic Development"successfully offered as a two-week onsite Service for Horticulture (Naktuinbouw) isprovides an in-depth understanding ofcourse in Wageningen for two decades, offering a course to learn more about PVPthe key aspects of the UPOV Plant Varietyinflation and other practical challenges and how best to apply it within a breed- Protection (PVP) system. It covers theprompted us to develop new formats to ing company. Seed World Europe checkedimportance and benefits of a plant breed- better meet the needs of our audience.in Laura Pin Gonzlez, Internationalers\' rights system, the legal framework, theThe program is now available in two 16ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | NOVEMBER 2024'