b'FORAGE & TURFGrass Seed Market Resilient Despite 2024 ChallengesADGER BANKEN VP Wholesale & ProcurementDLFab@dlf.comdlf.com@DLF_SeedsDespite the hurdles presented by extreme weather across Europe inRepublic and Hungary, also experienced a notable rise in forage 2024, the grass seed market has shown remarkable resilience, with keydemand, balancing out some of the challenges faced in the con-sectors posting positive results. While news of heavy rains in centralsumer and forage segments. Though overall demand in these areas and northern regions and intense heat in the south created concerns,didnt meet early hopes, it opened new opportunities for growth. several bright spots indicate promising opportunities for the future. High-quality seed varieties are gaining traction, signaling long-term potential despite immediate challenges.STRONG RECOVERY IN THE TURF MARKETThe professional turf market rebounded strongly during the 2023/24SHIFTING SUPPLY AND GROWING INTERESTseason, supported by sustained high demand. Major events such asWhile overall stocks remain higher than usual, certain species the European Football Championships in Germany and the Parisand varieties have been in short supply for the first time in years. Olympics played a role, but the resurgence was more widespread.Demand for annuals, red clover, crimson clover, and alfalfa has Local governments and sod producers, both of which had reducedsurged, while species like cocksfoot and tall fescue have also found operations in recent years, ramped up efforts in 2024. A rise inbalance. The shortage of top turf species, with many varieties selling house construction also fueled demand for turf from landscapersout quickly, highlights continued demand for premium products.and gardeners.Weather-related challenges spurred a focus on disease-resistantA PROMISING OUTLOOKvarieties, leading to a sellout of these resilient types by spring. ThisThe challenges of 2024 have created a dynamic grass seed market. trend underscores the growing demand for solutions that addressFocus on high-quality, disease-resistant varieties and evolving climate variability, pushing innovation in turf seed production. demand suggests growth driven by sustainability and innovation. Reduced European harvests and shrinking global production are GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS BOOST DEMAND tightening the market. Weather challenges and rising costs have In the UK, the Sustainable Farming Incentive made a significantincreased scarcity of key varieties. Strong demand and limited impact, increasing demand for grass seed and other species duringsupply are expected to drive up prices, creating opportunities for summer 2024. Central European countries, particularly the Czechtraders and producers.CORN, SORGHUM & OILSEEDSInnovation in Seed ProductionCCILE DUMAIS-LOUYS LIDEA Global Corn Production ManagerLIDEAcecile.dumaislouys@lidea-seeds.comlidea-seeds.comThe coming challenges regarding food security, biodiversity and cli- 360programs to control the whole pipeline and target the perfect mate change highly rely on seed science and accurate prescient viewmatch between Genetics (traits) and Environment (crossing condi-of both agronomic and operational future production conditions. tions). Along with the powerful AI tools which support our models, Genome understanding and selection technologies havewe are not to neglect the animal and plant intelligence (chloroplasts incredibly increased the efficiency in go-to-market with high qualityefficiency, pollinators management, symbiotic interactions) and its seeds: Marker Assisted Selection, CRISPR, -Cas9 and now -Cas12,performance to our production operations.gene editing, gene silencing and GM traits. All the way through,Pollination is key in seed production, with significant advance-agronomic research and process excellence have deployed constantments in understanding its biology, shedding, conformation, trans-efforts to increase yield and quality control.portation, and storage. Research focuses on managing outdoor The whole natural machinery that seed growers have to dealconditions for reliable fertilization levels, distinguishing between with (soil, water, temperature, and solar radiation) combined topatient (entomophilous) and non-patient (anemophilous) pollen. genetics to be crossed, has become one unique approach (GeneticsThis understanding is essential for ensuring yield and genetic purity. by Environment (GxE)). It is supported by machine learning andConsequently, new technologies are emerging, including pollen modelling all growing areas looking at what the crop needs at its keyharvesting, drone re-spraying, bee training, and UV pollination development stages helping planning and yield prediction.patterns.The access to plant transcriptome data (Genotype toAs a consequence, this GxE approach might reshape or at least Phenotype/SeedGerm platform) and the omics approach, is a cru- modify the interactions between selection and production. The more cial pillar for seed companies to better monitor the key attributeswe learn about the behaviour of our growing areas and our traits, such as germination. This is illustrated by the recent research onthe more we are up to optimising planning. DOG1-Like (Delay of Germination) genes which teaches aboutNew technologies are giving us the confidence in overcoming the origins of dormancy mechanisms that plants and seeds havethe next challenges: weeding robots, connected fields, canopy mon-experimented with through the evolution process and recorded initoring through EVI technology, yield imagery, precision planting. their genome.All supported by AI, speeding up the learning process and deliv-This is where seed business is shaping a new era: putting allering efficiency.intelligences together. The incredibly dynamic seed research deploys 22ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | NOVEMBER 2024'