b'rials, feed, seeds, and fuel helps them endure periods of rising prices and supply disruptions, whether due to shortages of raw materials or electricity.In times of energy uncertainty, busi-nesses cannot afford to let their finances fall into disarray. Maintaining healthy financial conditions, including liquidity and minimal debt, helps companies weather the crisis.Investment in new technologies, such as automation, digitalization, and innova-tive data processing methods, has proven essential during prolonged blackouts.During instability, a companys rep-utation as a reliable partner becomes an invaluable asset. Strong relationships with suppliers, buyers, and other partners ensure support and assistance during tough times.Qualified personnel also play a critical role. Energy instability in the country has been compounded by a significant shortage of specialists due to the mass migration of Ukrainians abroad and mobilization efforts.Businesses are stockpiling materials, feed, seeds, and fuel to help them endure shortages of raw materials, Therefore, maintaining employee motiva- fuel for tractors, or electricity. Source: TVKtion and engagement is crucial to keeping productivity high. Modern technologies and digital tools, which may seem out of place at first glance, FINAL THOUGHTS have been instrumental in helping busi-According to the theory of evolution, it isnesses adapt and reduce dependence on tra-not the largest or strongest that survives,ditional energy sources. Today, Ukrainian but the one that adapts. The experience ofagribusinesses prioritize backup energy Ukrainian companies confirms this. Successsolutions at every levelfrom households lies in effective management, the ability toto large enterprises.adapt quickly to sudden changes, and flex- In our view, this combination of meas-Below: In cases of emergency shutdowns, generators ibility in decision-making. Risk diversifica- ures forms the foundation of the Ukrainianare switched on to ensure continuous power supply to tion and sound financial planning are alsoapproach, where companies have not onlyoffices and storage facilities. Source: LNZvital, especially when facing unpredictablesurvived but remained competitive and expenses on a near-daily basis. focused on future growth. 30ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | NOVEMBER 2024'