b'Thirteen organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding on fighting illegal seed practices in May 2024.Im extremely proud to say that within the CropLife International team we have a very healthy ratio, not only in terms of numbers but in the types of roles that women hold.How do I deal with being a woman in my position? I judge others on merit, and I fully expect to be measured by the same yard- Were operating in a rapidly stick. So, I ensure that I bring the very best I can to every moment, and always try to motivate those around me to do the same. I dontchanging geopolitical landscape let preconceptions around gender stand in my way.and And as one look at the cover photo will show you, Im certainlyin which words likevolatility embracing all aspects of a fulfilling life, both professionally and per-sonally! If theres one way in which I hope Im able to inspire otherfragmentation seem to be our women, its in showing by example that we can pursue our careers with professionalism and passion without sacrifice. Im expectingdaily dialogue.a baby in the New Year and cannot wait to embrace motherhood alongside my role at CropLife International.SWE: HOW DO YOU SEE CROPLIFE INTERNATIONALSSWE: SOME SAY THAT GLOBALIZATION IS DECLINING. POSITION NEXT TO OTHER ASSOCIATIONS SUCH AS ISF,WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON THAT, AND HOW WOULD THAT EUROSEEDS, ASTA AND SO ON? WHERE IS THE ADDEDIMPACT GLOBAL AGRICULTURE?VALUE OF CROPLIFE INTERNATIONAL? ER: De-globalisation has become a catch-all shorthand for many of ER: For me, this isnt so much a question of where we all standthe issues that this industry needs to tackle head-on, and whilst Im in relation to each other, but how our ability to take horizontalsceptical about the concept that the entirety of the worlds nations approaches where there is common purpose, which is our truestdanced closer together, then retreated apart, it is certainly true that collective strength. Of course, our day-to-day work does have usthe geopolitical plates are shifting. And in this context, with the lean naturally into our siloswe all have our areas of excellenceglobal population expected to grow to 9 billion by 2050and in and expertise and its exactly this deep knowledge that means we allan era of climate change and biodiversity lossthe very future of bring our own value to our membership and to our wider audiences.humanity depends on our ability to address one of our most basic When we join forces on an issue of common cause, can thereneedsfood. Countries will either need to produce more food be any greater illustration of the phrase greater than the sum ofwithin their borders, through innovation and increased productivity, our parts? Take the historic Memorandum of Understanding onor make new friends around the world to ensure they can feed their fighting illegal seed practices that the International Seed Federationpopulations in the face of climate or political shocks.led in May. Thirteen organisations representing and defending theWhich brings me right back to my earlier points around the interests of plant breeders worldwide to collaborate in the fightimportance of innovation, productivity and multilateral, rules-based against illegal seed practices, increasing awareness and imple- trade. The future has to be about building resilience. When an menting best practice around the world. Our collective reach, ourexporter can become an importer overnight, capacity, transparency, combined specialist know-how, the clear signal that the commonequality and predictability will become the levers for food security. cause sends to the wider world regarding the level of concernthisAnd that, surely, is the ultimate common cause. is the added value.8ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | NOVEMBER 2024'