b"With Russian forces continuing large-scale attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, the cold months could bring electricity shortages lasting 14-16 hours a day. Source: LNZIn cases of emergency shutdowns, gen- Currently, the company also usesallows them to perform their tasks with-erators are switched on to ensure continuousalternative energy sources. Solar panelsout interruptions. Field employees are also power supply to offices and storage facilities,equipped with batteries now supply energyprovided with laptops featuring extended allowing employees to work without inter- during blackouts. Looking ahead, the com- battery life.ruptions. The company has also invested inpany plans to install wind turbines, which alternative energy sources, ensuring that allcould become a vital energy source, espe- HOW CRISIS EXPERIENCE essential equipment and communicationcially during the shorter, darker days ofTRANSFORMSsystems stay operational during blackouts. winter. BUSINESS APPROACHESA similar approach has been adoptedReflecting on their experiences during by TVK Seed Agrocompany. The companyEMPLOYEE ADAPTATION blackouts, company management mentions developed a detailed blackout contingencyThemanagementofTVKSeednot only the losses but also the valuable les-plan aimed at minimizing disruptions toAgrocompany has developed an actionsons gained. Among the most important production. Employees have undergoneplan for its employees in case of blackouts,is the improvement of crisis management training to respond quickly to outages andprioritizing the most important tasks. Theskills. Teams have learned to always be are well-prepared to use backup power sys- company has introduced shift schedules toprepared and act efficiently in emergency tems. ensure that part of the team is always avail- situations, developing step-by-step action As the season of acute electricityable online. Employees are equipped withplans in advance, whether for evacuation or shortages began, the company introducedlaptops, power banks, and mobile internetpreserving crops.energy-efficient equipment, reducing over- access. By leveraging the latest technology,Since the onset of prolonged power all energy consumption and reliance onsuch as cloud services, the team can securelyoutages, risk diversification has reached a the power grid. Critical equipment is nowstore and exchange data while workingnew level. Reducing reliance on a single connected to uninterrupted power supplyremotely from any location. income source or supplier and spreading (UPS) units. Additionally, generatorsAt LNZ Group, all office and ware- resources and investments across different have been installed to provide autonomoushouse facilities are equipped with gener- sectors or products has become essential.power, automatically activating during out- ators, ensuring that employees dont faceBusinesses have also reassessed the ages. power outages during working hours. Thisimportance of reserves. Stockpiling mate-NOVEMBER 2024|SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 29"