b"UNITING THE MAIN PLAYERS IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTORMEMBER COMPANIES SHARE THEIR IMPRESSION ABOUT CROPLIFE INTERNATIONAL. BY: MARCEL BRUINSCROPLIFE IS CONNECTINGinnovation-driven companies in agriculture. With its WHY IT MATTERS INNOVATION-DRIVEN COMPANIES INcoordinated approach along the entire value chain, CropLifeAGRICULTURE CropLife International is an important ally for us Internationalin driving innovative technologies, advocating for (CLI) representstrade and regulatory policies and supporting farmers the worldsto increase food production, protect biodiversity and leading R&Dtackle climate change. companiesBASF,Since establishing CropLife International, the Bayer, Cortevaagricultural industry has come a long way. For exam-Agriscience,ple, CropLife International worked continuously with FMC, Sumitomosafety experts and regulators on the commitment to Chemical, andregulatory data transparency. This topic is close to our Syngentawho areheart, to build trust in the safety data and ensure that actively working tofarmers are provided with high-quality, safe products. address some ofBASF also collaborated with CropLife at the G20 our worlds biggestagricultural ministers meeting in Brazil this year. challenges. Livio Tedeschi, as CropLife Chairman of the Board The organisationand co-chair of the B20 Sustainable Food Systems has a globaland Agriculture Task Force, summarized the drivers network of 91for change as the need to prioritize sustainable pro-associations, andductivity growth, developing breakthrough financ-a diverse range ofing models to secure sufficient capital for large-scale partners. It seekstransition, and support for the WTOs rule-based to increase foodagricultural trade system. We at BASF Agricultural security, adaptingSolutions connect seeds and traits, crop protection to and mitigatingproducts, digital tools and sustainability approaches climate change,to help deliver the best possible outcomes for farmers, and protectgrowers and other stakeholders along the value chain. biodiversity. SeedWhile the demands from politics and society are World Europe growing, partnerships with CropLife Internationalchecked in withBY: MELANIE BAUSEN-WIENS - SENIOR VICE PRESIDENTare crucial to share our expertise and positions as well several of the CLIREGULATORY, SUSTAINABILITY & PUBLIC AFFAIRSas successfully make progress and show our contri-member companiesAGRICULTURAL SOLUTIONS AT BASF bution to sustainable agriculture. However, I believe to get their take onthat CLI's most significant achievement is its com-the organisation. We all know that farmers today face a variety of chal- mitment to engaging with the public and promoting lenges, such as a rapidly growing global population,a better understanding of sustainable practices for climate change, and biodiversity loss, as well as pro- enhancing agricultural yields. By bridging the gap ducing food sustainably on less arable land. Thatsbetween industry advancements and public percep-why, for me, it is clearfarming is the biggest jobtion, CLI fosters a more informed and constructive on Earth. At BASF, we do everything in our powerdialogue on agricultural innovation and creates a to build a sustainable future for agriculture by con- platform for collaboration between different stake-necting innovation, customers, and society. holders.However, a sustainable future of agricultureTogetherwithpartnerslikeCropLife cannot be created alone. This is why uniting theInternational, we can help farmers grow healthy, main players in the agricultural sector is a key task.high-quality food safely and protect the land that we CropLife International (CLI) and other relatedare all safekeeping for future generations. organizations have played a major role in connecting 10ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | NOVEMBER 2024"