b'mass in the grain varieties. He also foresees a continuing push towards pure dent varie-ties in early and very early maturity groups, replacing more and more the dent x flint hybrids for grain use. In Camps view, even silage and biomass varieties might have to show reduced plant volume to favour yield stability over yield maximum. Borysov at Company Mais is also of the opinion that corn of 2045 will have dif-ferent ratios of grain mass to plant mass and plant mass to mass of the root system. The mass fraction of the grain will increase, and all other mass will decrease, he says. There will be smaller stem length, tassel, grain and ear size, smaller leaf length and width, fewer leaves overall and fewer leaves covering the ear. Harvest of experimental hybrid seed production plots (corn pickers for two rows/varieties separately). At the same time, Borysov believesPhoto: Delley Semences et Plantes SAcorn hybrids will increase in cold resist-ance for earlier sowing, will tolerate higherout additional drying before storage. higher and more stable yields offering a population densities and will also be moreIn Heffners view, corn in 2045 will berobust package of resistance to stress and resistant to heat and diseases/pests, withable to withstand whatever climate condi- diseases, and with more precise end-use stronger stems and stronger cob attachment.tions exist. History shows us that we canqualities.He foresees that corn 20 years hence willincrease yields even in challenging condi- All these breeders agree that corn will need less nitrogen and be more tolerant oftions, he says. We know weather volatilityremain a key crop for humanity. the previous crop in the rotation as well as tois likely to only increase in the future, butThanks to breeding, I am confident the conditions of grain drying and storage.we are up to the challenge with new breed- that corn will remain one of the most Corn harvest terms will be more flexible ining and seed production tools, technologyefficient crops for feed production, says the future, he says, with the possibility ofand investment to keep increasing on-farmBettinger. It will need less inputs and long storage of grain in the cob on the plantperformance and quality.water and will be more resilient to climate in the field. We also should be able to harvestBeaufum is of the same basic view.change. The potential for adaptation of corn grain with moisture content below 14% with- He says, corn will continue to evolve withis just second to none. NOVEMBER 2024|SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 21'