b'European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France have dis- mechanisms behind the high salinity tolerance of Salicornia. covered that zinc plays a crucial role in the nitrogen fixationWhile most plants die in a salty environment, Salicornia thrives.process of legumes. The study also found that the transcrip-tional regulator Fixation Under Nitrate (FUN) is a novel type ofPepsiCo Europe and Yara have announced a long-term partner-zinc sensor, which decodes zinc signals in nodules and regulatesship to help farmers decarbonize the food value chain across nitrogen fixation. multiple countries. Yara will supply up to 165,000 tons of fer-tilizer annually, covering 25% of PepsiCo\'s European needs by Japan\'s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF)2030, with a focus on low-carbon fertilizers. The partnership has released new data from annual surveys on genetically modi- aims to increase nutrient use efficiency, boost yields, and reduce fied (GM) crops. The data addresses concerns about the "acci- crop carbon footprints using Yara\'s precision farming tools and dental spillage" of GM crops and reassures that there is minimalclimate-friendly fertilizers. By 2030, all fertilizers provided will be to no cross-contamination with non-GM crops. Recent surveysYara Climate Choice, produced from renewable or low-carbon in GM rapeseed and soybean sites found no modified genes inammonia.nearby related species.Syngenta Crop Protection and Ginkgo Bioworks announced a With salt estimated to affect up to 30% of arable land world- new collaboration aimed at accelerating the launch of a new bio-widejeopardising the survival of cropsthe salinity crisis is alogical solution. Through this new collaboration, Ginkgo plans to costly burden on agricultural productivity. Led by the Universitydevelop and optimize a microbial strain that can meet the pro-of Newcastles Vanessa Melino, the research team has studiedductivity targets of a secondary metabolite from the Syngenta plants of the genus Salicornia to better understand itssalt-resist- Biologicals pipeline. This molecule is earmarked by Syngenta as ant properties. In a study recently published in Nature Journal,a pioneering biological solution. Successful cost-effective and Melino and her team reveal new insights into the molecularlarge-scale production of this targeted metabolite would signifi-cantly expedite Syngenta\'s go-to-market timeline for its latest biological solution.The University of New Hampshire will use a $10 million grant Restoring the from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to develop more sustainable ways to implement climate-smart Native Landscape agriculture (CSA) strategies to expand farming and food pro-duction while enhancing economic opportunities, providing important ecosystem services like clean water and air and creat-ing healthy communities in New England. The five-year project, titled Promoting Climate-Smart Sustainable Agriculture in New England through Regionally Adapted Agroforestry Systems, is known as ADAPT. It will study agroforestrythe practice of integrating crop and animal farming in forested areasto blend the two farming strategies into one united solution that reduces impacts on ecosystems and balances sustainable agriculture with climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience.Cargill and the Forever Green Initiative, a research platform in the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Minnesota, are partnering to study winter camelina and domesticated pennycress.The collaboration will focus on the development of high performing seed varie-ties and farming techniques adapted for the unique growing conditions of the Upper Midwest. The project builds on a previ-ously announced $2.5 million philanthropic grant awarded to the University from Cargill to accelerate research into crop biology and management. SW800-873-3321sales@ernstseed.com https://ernstseed.co/SW54/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2024'