b'Watch our full-length webinar on this topic! Visit seedworld.com/forage-webinarstandards, he says. WHAT RETAILERS CAN DO TO HELP BOLSTERforage breeder Doug Cattani Using certified seed insays that in the context of cli-blends offers several advan- FORAGE SEED DEVELOPMENT mate change, perennial forage tages, he notes.crops like ryegrass and tall Certified seed guaranteesEducate on Intellectual Property Rights fescue offer resilience due to a higher baseline quality Raise awareness about the importance of intellectual property (IP) rights in foragetheir genetic diversity. fewer weeds, better purity.crops. Unlike annual crops, these Additionally, BrettYoungperennials can adapt to vary-collaborates with breeders to E mphasize that forage seed varieties are as sophisticated as other crops and areing environmental conditions, select varieties with specificprotected under Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) legislation. making them valuable for traits such as higher yields,Inform customers that using uncertified or illegally sourced seeds underminessustainable agriculture. disease resistance, and adapt- breeding programs and innovation. Perennial crops have inher-ability to various conditions. Promote the Sale of Certified Seed ent variability, which helps Encourage producers to purchase certified seed, which supports breeding programsthem adapt to different chal-Advancements inthrough royalties. lenges, making them crucial Research in an era of climate change, Despite a common percep-Highlight the benefits of certified seed, including higher quality, fewer weeds, betterCattani says.tion that forage crops arepurity, and predictable yields. Smith further elaborates less glamorous than thoseOffer Certified Seed Blends on the benefits of forage crop bred for human consumption,Stock and promote certified seed blends that combine various varieties forblends. By combining multiple these crops are equally vitalenhanced performance. varieties with unique adapta-and genetically advanced,Collaborate with breeders to select varieties with desirable traits such as highertion strategies, blends provide notes Ray Smith, a forageyields, disease resistance, and adaptability to various conditions. resilience and ensure high-expert and professor at thequality, certified seed.University of Kentucky.Develop Innovative Marketing Strategies Beyond traditional forage Smith highlights the C reate programs to reduce risks for farmers establishing new forage stands. Offerproduction, perennial crops revolutionary impact of novelreplacement seed at no cost in case of establishment failure, provided they uselike alfalfa and intermediate endophytes in perennialcertified varieties. wheatgrass have potential for ryegrass and tall fescue varie- Use marketing strategies to highlight the long-term benefits of certified seed overhuman consumption. In ongo-ties. Historically, Kentucky 31,common seed. ing research at the University of a robust tall fescue varietyManitoba, members of Cattanis from the 1940s, thrived acrossdepartment are exploring the the eastern United States.use of intermediate wheatgrass However, its fungal endophytein breadmaking. produced toxins detrimentaldemanded extensive researchadvancements necessitateIts higher protein content, to cattle, causing heat stressand development. robust intellectual propertyranging from 16% to over 22%, and reproductive issues.The development of novelrights to secure investmentsmakes it valuable for human Recent advancementsendophytes involved signifi- and make these innovationsdiets, he says.have introduced beneficial,cant effort, ensuring the bene- marketable. While traditional breed-or novel endophytes, thatficial endophyte stayed withinWhile GMO technol- ing has paved the way, new retain the grasss survivalthe grass and that fresh seedogy and gene editing cap- technologies like gene editing characteristics without harm- with live endophyte reachedture headlines, Universityhold promise for the future of ful toxins. This breakthroughgrowers, Smith says. Suchof Manitoba professor andforage crops, Smith notes. SWENDORSED BY OCTOBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /47'