b'The Humanness of Diversity, Equity and InclusionIN RECENT MONTHS , the conversation aroundaddress our unique circumstances, fostering a sense of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has dramaticallybalance and mutual respect.shifted. With the end of affirmative action as a factorInclusion is the act of making sure that everyone in college admissions, the closure of many universityfeels they belong. Its not enough to invite people to DEI offices and corporations reevaluating DEI initia- the table; we must also ensure that they feel welcome tives, its easy to feel like these concepts are losingand valued once theyre there. Inclusion in busi-ground. However, I believe this is the perfect time toness leads to stronger teams, where everyone feels reflect on the true meaning of these words and whyempowered to contribute. It creates a culture where they are more important than evernot just in policydifferences are not just tolerated but celebrated. In life, BY AIMEE NIELSON but in our everyday lives, businesses and relation- inclusion means creating spaces where everyone feels Editor, Seed World U.S. ships. they belong, where no one is left out because of whoDiversity is often the first word in this trio, and itsthey are. In relationships, inclusion is about making sure easy to see why. Diversity is about recognizing andthat all voices are heard and that everyone feels like celebrating the differences among us, whether thosetheyre part of the story.differences are in race, gender, age, religion or back- DEI is not all about politics; at the core, its about ground. In business, diversity can be a big driver ofhumanity. Its about recognizing the intrinsic value in innovation. Different perspectives lead to new ideas,each person and striving to create environments where better problem-solving and a more dynamic work- everyone can thrive. As we navigate these changing place. But diversity is not just about ticking boxes ortimes, its crucial to remember that diversity, equity, meeting quotas; its about valuing the richness thatand inclusion are not just buzzwords or policiesthey comes from a variety of experiences. In life, diversityare the foundation of a compassionate and just society. enriches our communities, making them more vibrantWhether in business, in life, or in our personal relation-and resilient. In relationships, diversity allows us toships, the principles of DEI help us build connections, grow, learn and appreciate the world from angles wefoster understanding and create spaces where every-might never have considered. one can succeed.Equity is about fairness and justice. Its the prin- As the seed industry continues to evolve, lets ciple that everyone should have access to the sameensure that our commitment to these principles opportunities, regardless of their starting point. Equityremains strong. By embracing the humanness of in business means creating an environment whereDEI, we can build not only better businesses but everyone has the tools they need to succeed, recog- also better communities and better lives for every-nizing that not everyone starts from the same place.one involved. Id LOVE to hear your thoughts on the Its about removing barriers and leveling the playingfuture of DEI. Please email your thoughts and com-field. In life, equity ensures that we are all treated withments to anielson@seedworldgroup.com. If your dignity and respect, that our voices are heard andcompany is retaining a DEI office or staff, I want to that our needs are met. In relationships, equity meansknow about that. If youre reevaluating your current caring for one another in ways that acknowledge andDEI efforts, I want to know about those as well!SWOCTOBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /49'