b"When you want to prove out new technologies, it makesIt would ultimately be possible to build prediction models in sense to go where we are currently at the cutting edge of breed- the same way we currently predict grain yield from DNA to pre-ing and technology the most, he says. In the U.S., the cropdict gene expression from DNA, then use that predicted gene where we're doing that is corn. expression as a substitute for directly measured expression, Schnables research is still in the early stages. His team firstSchnable explains. received ARPA-E funding in 2020. Over the last three to fourThe end goal is to accelerate the breeding cycle by predicting years, they have been testing their technology using datawhat genes will likely be expressed under given conditions for a collected in two growing locations using older sets of maizenew hybrid based on the DNA. This would allow seed companies genetics.to identify hybrids that are most likely to succeed earlier on in We were able to generate a data set unlike anything else indevelopment and focus their efforts on those specific hybrids. the world, he says. The results are promising enough we were able to go back to ARPA-E and ask for this additional funding toThe Power of RNA for Ag Sustainabilitylook into many more environments and use corn genetics thatThis approach could also lead to the development of more are a lot closer to what farmers are growing in their fields today. sustainable hybrids. By selecting for traits that enhance In this second phase of research, the team is collectingresilience to environmental stresses, seed companies could samples from sets of maize hybrids being tested at six loca- produce varieties that require fewer inputs, such as water and tions across the country. The team will test both how well theirfertilizers. This not only benefits farmers by reducing costs but models predict the performance of these maize hybrids andalso contributes to more sustainable agricultural practices.how well their model can expand to predict the performance ofOnce proven and established in corn breeding, Schnable other hybrids.says the process could be implemented on other crop varieties, Once it is established that RNA sequencing can success- reducing the time and investment required to develop new fully predict phenotypic plant traits, the team will then try tohybrids for the changing environment. build models to predict RNA expression using DNA based data, Were just scratching the surface of whats possible eliminating the slow and expressive process of measuring RNASchnable says. But the potential is enormous, and Im excited to directly from plants in the field. see where this research will take us.SWOur solutions include:Defoamers, dispersing agents, thickeners, micronized waxes, PVOH resins, pigments, talc, kaolin clay, mica, organosilanes and more.Contact us for more information.(800) 228-7347OCTOBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /39"