b'S T R A T E G Y A featured segment designed to help you in the realm of retail seed sales. Certified Seed is the Future of the Forage WorldForage seed is every bit as genetically sophisticated as other crops. We consulted four experts on what retailers should know to ensure a healthy future for the sector.Marc Zienkiewicz, Seed World Canada EditorACCORDING TO TODDCanada, but ongoing educa- the seeds status to avoid HYRA,western businesstion is needed to ensure com- unwittingly purchasing pro-manager for SeCan (Canadaspliance. Over the past twotected varieties. Clear commu-largest certified seed sup- years, a seed industry aware- nication and education about plier), its not unheard ofness campaign has aimed tothese rules can prevent costly to encounter producers orraise awareness through socialviolations and support ongoing retailers interested in grow- media, agricultural publica- agricultural innovation.ing cattle feed without fullytions, and field signs. ThisOf course, seed companies appreciating the importanceinitiative reminds producersand retailers are increasingly of adhering to intellectualthat purchasing seed from abecoming part of the solution in property (IP) rules.neighbor or using commonbolstering the profile of forage This oversight often stemsseed might infringe on PBR,seed and its value in spurring from a misunderstandingRay Smith is a forage expert andespecially if the variety isCanadas seed innovation land-about the origins and protec- professor at the University ofprotected. scape. Harley Bell, VP retail for tion of these specialized seedKentucky. BrettYoung based in Manitoba, varieties, which are bred spe- Education is Key says the company has made cifically for cattle feed. Understanding how to handlea significant shift from using Forage seed varieties,This protection ensuresvarious scenarios involvingcommon seed to certified seed much like other crop seedsthat the innovation in forageseed purchasing and usagein its forage blends. such as wheat or oats, are thecrops continues, benefitingis essential. Trouble arisesThis change was driven product of extensive breedingthe entire agricultural com- when seeds are exchangedby the need to offer more programs. These programsmunity. In fact, he notes thatinformally without properadvanced and reliable forage rely on royalties from the saleforage seed often needsdocumentation, implicat- seed varieties to our custom-of certified seed to continuemore of a helping hand thaning everyone involved in theers. Cattle and dairy produc-their work, Hyra says.other crops, as there exists atransactionfrom the sellerers, as well as other livestock When illegal sales occur,lack of funding mechanismsto the seed cleaner and truckfarmers, are becoming more it directly undermines thesefor forage crops in Canadadriver, Hyra notes. professional and require higher programs by diverting fundscompared to other annualFor seed cleaners andproductivity to remain com-needed for research andcereals like milling wheat orretailers, its vital to ensurepetitive and profitable, Bell development. Essentially, itsoats, which receive checkoffthat the seed they handlesays.a case of biting the hand thatfunding through produceris legally acquired. HavingShortly after he joined feedsthe very source of thecommissions.customers sign declarationsBrettYoung nearly 18 years advanced genetics farmersForage varieties con- confirming the legal purchaseago, the company strategically rely on for their crops. sumed locally on farms missof seed protects both parties.moved away from older varie-Its critical for everyone inout on this value flow, makingRetailers can educate theirties, such as alfalfa bred in the the agricultural chain, fromit even more crucial thatcustomers using available1970s, to proprietary, improved retailers to end-users, tocertified seed sales includeresources, such as instruc- varieties. This transition sup-understand that forage seedroyalties to support breed- tional signs, to avoid inadvert- ports farmers by providing varieties are protected by IPing programs. Without theseent violations of PBR. seeds that offer predictable rights. These seeds are asfunds, the future of forageEnsuring compliance withyields, disease resistance, and genetically sophisticated asseed innovation is at risk,PBR starts with buying certi- overall quality. any other crop, Hyra says, andHyra adds. fied seed and understandingWe aim to be a leader the breeders who developPlant Breeders Rightsthe obligations that come within the forage seed market, them are specialists in their(PBR) legislation has beenit, Hyra says.providing blends and straight field.in place for over 30 years inProducers should verifyproducts that meet the highest 46/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2024'