b'Fields of PlentyForage crops The U.S.Corn grown for occupyproduced aboutsilage covers $20is the estimated annual valueapproximately120 millionnearly of forage crops, with hay55 milliontons 6.5 million billion contributing the largest share.acres of hay in 2023,acres Alfalfa hay alone is valued atof land in thewith alfalfa beingand in 2023 U.S., which the dominantproduced about more than $9 billion annually. is about crop. Alfalfa and130 million 18%of the totalalfalfa mixestons .cropland. Thisalone accountedIt is a key feed makes foragefor nearly source for dairy 4is the amount of alfalfathe single50 millionand beef cattle.exported from the U.S. in million2022 with Japan, China, andlargest land usetons .in American tons South Korea being majoragriculture.buyers.Forage crops primarily include alfalfa, grasses and other plants Averagelike clover that are grown to Yieldfeed animals. (in tons/acre)3020 Corn Silage - 7 Optimal Conditions2.5 Corn Silage Alfalfa Hay - 3.4 Other Hay Optimal ConditionsAlfalfa HayOCTOBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /25'