b"resistance. Although these targets havent changed, weve seen a great improvement in all these qualities over the years and are continuing to see improvements in our upcoming varieties, which is exciting.The most challenging thing in breed-ing pumpkins, says Wyatt, is how much influence the growing environment has on pumpkins. One notable feature is how much the size of the pumpkin can change year to year and based on climate and latitude, she explains. We address this challenge by trialing our new varieties for several years in as many environments as we can before we release them.HM.CLAUSEs breeding programs have had a particular focus (for both pumpkin and winter squashes) on disease resist-ance in collaboration with universities and the USDA-ARS, as well as a focus on genetic diversity conservation, use of new tools and boosting the speed of genetic gain. Daley notes that as with all crops,Pumpkins come in different colors! Johnnys Shiver showcases a ghostly white variety. some important disease resistances (such as powdery mildew) have been difficult to breed for in pumpkins.and easier, its a very large plant, Daley Typically, we identify resistance inexplains. In breeding, we do all that we wild germplasm and introgress the resist- can to understand the genetics and traits ance into our elite lines, but its not alwaysand apply the best field designs and certain that the disease resistance willpredictive tools, but its a numbers game be as strong in elite cultivars, and it can the more plants we can fit in the field, be difficult to isolate the resistance fromthe better chance that well find superior other undesirable wild traits, he explains.combinationslucky breaks. The size of One of the advantages in pumpkin is itsthe pumpkin plants makes the numbers amenability, to varying degrees, to crosschallenging. I laugh when I see the density with other Cucurbita species, and this hasof the pepper fields next to the pumpkins.vastly expanded the genetic variation andNo matter the challenges, breeders provided opportunities for interspecificwill continue their work, and it's truly a transfer of disease resistances throughtreat for home gardeners and commercial conventional breeding. New DNA-basedgrowers worldwide to be able to enjoy methods also allow us track resistances inthis golden age of pumpkin breeding. Its our germplasm, further accelerating thisall due, says Daley, to the confluence of process. genomics, trait information, availability of Another challengeone that everygenetic diversity, the desire for companies pumpkin grower understands perfectlyto invest resources in pumpkin breeding wellstems from the fact that with aand growing public interest in cucurbits. large fruit such as a pumpkin comes quiteFor future Halloweens, expect better a large plant.disease resistances, says Daley, but alsoI was once advised by a retired plantmore diversity of colors and wild pat- Johnnys Seeds Igor pumpkin is a tall breeder to choose a crop that was diploidterns. Theres no doubt that Stingy Jack,variety with dark orange skin and deep ribs and small. While pumpkin is a diploid,wherever he roams every Halloween night,to produce a foreboding look.making the breeding more predictablecannot help but be impressed.SWOCTOBER 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /7"