b'S T R A T E G Yhurdle as there are many inno-vative companies addressingNoris mapping systems such issues to help farmers,show exactly where Carlson says.farmers are selling their One other complication tocarbon credits, and how all of this is that many brokersmuch carbon removals only work with producers whothey have achieved.are new to no-till practices. The best way to reach farmers is not with great mar-keting, but by showing them the things that work, Carlson says.And of course, there is the problem that what farmers are attempting to sell, cannot be seen. Thats where brokers and other market-based com-panies come in.Brokers make sure that the approved production practices are being done toscience to catch up.Ag Economy Barometer studycarbon markets and I think validate the carbon seques- As were using pro- found that while some grow- thats exciting. It means more tered to make sure that therecess-based modelings, itsers are aware of opportunitiesplayers that have different is a product to be sold sinceimportant to remember theto earn income from a carboncontracts to meet the differ-you cannot actually see whatdynamics of these incrediblecredit program, less than 1%ent needs of the vast number you are buying, Ribera says. seed mixtures or plants likehave entered a contract with aof producers, Carlson says. Miscanthus and other thingsprogram to help them do so. However, all of that depends Seed Opportunities Stillfarmers can start growingRibera says 64% ofon growers jumping in.to Come to really diversify the U.S.respondents to a FarmIf its a win-win for pro-There are so many differentagricultural scene. The sci- Journal poll says they neededducers as well as buyers, then ways of sequestering carbonence is young and we havemore information they couldwell have an incentive for new through the seeds that areto figure out how to modeltrust before they signed on totechnologies to be devel-planted, Carlson says. those appropriately in way wesomething. oped, Ribera says. One example of thiscan incorporate them into theAnother 15% say the pay- Carlson agrees that pay-could be advances in seedtools were using, she says.ment is not worth the effortouts will prove the future of breeding to produce morebecause of the amount ofthe carbon market. efficient plants, such as thoseWaiting and Watching information farmers have toI believe carbon cred-that use less nitrogen for theSo, while the world of carbonkeep track of, he says. its play an important role in same yield. Its likely thesecredits can be described asUltimately, brokers andreversing climate change, she improvements could qualifythe Wild West, there doesntcompanies are working tosays. At the end of the day, as regenerative agricultureseem to be a stampedehelp make that possible. if the economics arent there, practices, though Carson saysof producers ready to getThere is so much talkpeople arent going to adopt it may take some time for theinvolved.and there are a lot of playersit. SWcarbon-measuring side of thePurdue Universitys recentin the game right now with ENDORSED BY 36/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2021'