b'tions as the seed crop certification body for Canada, so the standards that CSGA establishes are used for the certification of seed crops, he says. Since hemp was legalized in Canada in 1998, weve had hemp seed production procedures in place, but we recognized a need to develop specific procedures for feminized hemp seed production.CSGA went through many versions of a guideline document with the help of an ad hoc working group made up of several plant breeders. The finalized guideline doc-ument was used to create the standards and requirements to ensure companies could produce seed that was true-to-vari-ety and didnt grow into hot crops. Part of the reason we developed these standards was so that Canadian plant breeders and seed growers would have the opportunity to develop these new varieties and grow them in Canada, Scheffel says. If we hadnt developed the standards here in Canada, there was the possibility that they would go ahead and develop them in the U.S., and therefore, U.S. seed would be imported into Canada. Not only is Jamie Ghossein a part of Cannabis Orchards, he is also a doctor at One such variety of hemp that wasthe Ottawa Hospital.certified using these standards is a variety from Cannabis Orchards.Cannabis Orchards novel variety ofwhich is beneficial because the CBG isCBGWHATS IT FOR?feminized hemp seed has a higher levelproduced in trichromes found in in the of cannabigerol (CBG). But what makes itflower of the plant and to a lesser extent,While everyone is starting to see the benefits of novel? The THC is undetectable.the leaves of the plant.CBDespecially with the booming CBD marketHURV19PAN lacks functionalTo maximize flower yield for farm- cannabigerol (CBG), another common cannabinoid enzymes for THC and CBD production,ers, feminizing seed ensures that 100% of says Jamie Ghossein, CEO of Cannabisplants have flower from which cannabi- found in hemp production, potentially could open Orchards. That was done through carefulnoids can be extracted, he says. Theup doors as well. cross and selective breeding with a part- fact that its non psychoactive by havingJamie Ghossein, CEO of Cannabis Orchards, says ner in Spain, called Hemp Trading, andflowers that dont have any THC means from the University of Valencia. that you dont have those side effects.CBG hasnt actually been studied in humans yet. The breeding project was a severalYou can truly focus more on the healthAlthough, there are some benefits being seen in year endeavor that stumbled upon aand medical side. animal and cell studies. strain of hemp that lacks genes useful forIn comparison, in the U.S., McKayOne of these benefits in particular are help with THC and CBD synthesis, which is how thesays New West Genetics currently has a THC becomes undetectable.U.S. patent pending on hemp varietiesinflammatory conditions such as inflammatory While we dont know much in termsthat produce greater than 50% of femalebowel disease, as well as pain management. of the medical benefit of CBG, theres aplants. The patent was submitted on MayIn addition, Ghossein says a group based out of lot of anecdotal evidence for it, and were20, 2021, and while not considered femi- McMaster University in Ontario are working to see looking to offer this for clinical trials tonized seed, it is gender skewed. Canadians seeking another cannabinoidWhen it comes to this hot or notif there are antibacterial properties in CBG, such as with its own medical properties, saystrend of feminized hemp seed, ensur- fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Finally, CBG is Ghossein. ing your seed is certified and tested isbeing tested for anti-tumour propreties in certain By feminizing this product, Ghosseinimperative to maximize customer successtypes of cancer.says they can maximize the flowers yield,and ROI.SW46/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2021'