b'professor, Department of Crops and Soil Science, University of Georgia. Our group developed a traffic simulator to help with this, but we really rely on athletic turf management profession-als, sod farmers and others to help with this process. Indirectly, we have selected for a more stable turf canopy, as well as genetic recuperative potential, when beating up our research plots with the Baldree Traffic Simulator. A heavy rhi-zome system seems to be key, as well as a dense leaf canopy.When it comes down to it, theres a lot of factors to be concerned with in breeding for sports fields. So, whats the best fit?Athletic Turf SuitabilityWhat grasses make the best turf for ath-letic fields? Responses from breeders to this question are quite varied.My warm-season breeding programRoyal Greens Golf Club located in King Abdullah Economic City, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.focuses on bermudagrass, although wePHOTO: PURE SEEDhave initiated a zoysiagrass breeding effort for athletic fields, says Schwartz.Varieties that are widely adapted doSchwartz says that breeding for resist-Different sports have different require- well as sports turf in a variety of geog- ance is usually different in seed-propa-ments, and the various levels of amateurraphies and environments, says Fricker.gated versus vegetatively-propagated versus professional play dictates most ofThey are better adapted to take what- cultivars. Pathogens typically overcome what is deemed acceptable. Somethingever is thrown at them and survive. new resistance over time as races/popu-that we should spend more time onFricker says perennial ryegrass forlations shift and mutations happen. When would be the interaction of a bermud- sports fields is dominant worldwide withyou add in the wear and tear of sporting agrass/zoysiagrass base with ryegrass5-10% bluegrass blended in.events, maintaining healthy turf over time overseed. This combination is excellent becausecan be a challenge.In comparison, Mountain View Seedsit gives you better density, better rhi- Breeding for a particular disease takes a different approach to their fields:zomes for recoverability and better shadetolerance takes a long time due to the combining different species to get oneperformance, she says. The type ofdisease pressure peaking once or twice perfect fit. bluegrass selected for shady growth canper year, says Cain. That is when we canWe like poly stands, says Russell.make a huge difference. really test our material. We always try to use multiple species to Its also important not to overWhile we aggressively work on some maximize the inherent benefits of eachmanage, says Sorochan. Mowing toospecific economically important traits, our species in the blend for the playability andshort and trying to push growth withbreeding efforts tend to focus primarily safety of the turfgrass. high nitrogen rates decreases rooting andon breeding a grass that has as many of Monostand use in turfgrass is declin- yields grasses that are more succulent.the desirable attributes as possible, Cain ing, because turf managers have becomeadds. Regardless of end use, we expect more open to incorporating mixtures thatBreeding for Resistance our varieties to have excellent disease can make their fields better able to with- Turf grasses are susceptible to several dis- tolerance, color, density etc. We then stand heavy use, Munshaw says. eases that grab the attention of breeders.proceed to scrutinize these high-quality Mountain View Seeds is the offi- Sorochan believes the biggest diseaseexperimental varieties under different cial seed supplier of the Rose Bowl inissues for sports turf are: scenarios. This tends to be where we can California. Russell says the grass used in- Bermudagrass, spring dead spot determine end use. the stadium is a Bluemuda ploystand - Kentucky bluegrass, summer patch Experimental varieties that have it includes Bermudagrass for strength,- Perennial ryegrass, Pythium blight,exceptional traffic tolerance could end updurability and traffic tolerance, andgrey leaf spot, Rhizoctonia (browngeared towards the athletic field markets Kentucky bluegrass that is overseededpatch) while those that tolerate low mow heights into the Bermuda. Ryegrass is sometimes- Zoysiagrass, Rhizoctonia (largemay end up being advanced for the golfmixed in. patch). market. 12/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2021'