b'DOWN The creative challenge of breeding MOWINGturfgrass for athletic fields.Frank ZaworskiTHE COMPETITIONATTITUDES ABOUT THEappropri- tant when breeding turfgrass for athletic ate playing surface for athletic fieldsfields, says Crystal Fricker, president of have evolved in recent years, resulting inPure Seed and Pure-Seed Testing. These the diminishing popularity of artificial turf,factors include density, establishment, and an ascendency in the use of naturalrecoverability, tillering, traffic tolerance, turfgrass thanks to its inherently greaterroot development and disease resistance safety for athletes and kindness to theto grey leaf spot, crown rust, stem rust environment. The creation of turfgrassand other problems.varieties and blends that will enhanceBreeding turf for sports turf is an elite safety for the athlete while providing amarket versus the home lawn market, durable and strong stand of grass is bothsays Fricker. a scientific and artistic challenge for turf- We tend to focus more on multiple grass breeders. traits. Golf courses for example, have A plastic athletic field surface, heatedunique environments specific to their by the sun, is akin to a slow burning tirelocation, she says. Unique structural and fire, says Adam Russell, director of prod- environmental situations provide unique uct development, Mountain View Seeds.challenges to golf course superintendents Because of the hazardous chemicals inand greenskeepers. We want to breed the fibers, infill, and padding of plasticgrasses that have persistence, which can surfaces, a natural surface is much morewithstand a variety of challenges. A key to preferable for environmental friendlinessour breeding is how can we beat up theThe King Abdullah Sports City Stadium in and long-term human health. grass the most and find the plants that canJebbah, Saudi Arabia.PHOTO: PURE SEEDResearch demonstrates that syntheticsurvive. We do that with traffic, disease, turf is unable to easily release playersdrought, and shade. We are always sub-cleats in potential injurious situations. jecting our plants to all of these pressurescause twisted ankles), traffic tolerance Natural turf breeding has reducedand trying to select the best of the best. and recovery, says Alyssa Cain, turf disease pressure, increased density toHowever, Fricker notes that the plantproduct manager, Barenbrug USA. lower weed pressure, made grassesstill needs to be able to make seed. TheOther characteristics of concern are tougher to fight insects, and madebiggest caveat? Sometimes the prettiestcolor, leaf texture, mowing quality, leaf grasses darker so they do not need asturf isnt the best seed yielder, she says. texture, disease and insect tolerance, much fertilizer to look great, says GreggWhen breeding turfgrass targetedregional performance and quality.Munshaw, director of Agronomy, Pratumfor athletic fields and areas of high use,There is a fine balance between turf Seed Companies. Turfgrasses today,the key characteristics we aim for arecanopy stability and breaking loose at through breeding, are 10 times betteruniformity (for an even, playable field),the right force/torque that must be bred than they were just 10 years ago. density (for a thick and sturdy playingfor and managed to minimize the risk A number of key factors are impor- surface and to reduce weeds that mayof major injuries, says Brian Schwartz, 10/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2021'