b'CANNABIS CHRONICLESHOT THE HEMP INDUSTRYhas beenhemp seed, says John McKay, chief sci-growing steadily since 2018. By 2026,entific officer of New West Genetics and the U.S. hemp industry will reach $36professor of plant evolutionary genomics billion, and will grow at an annual rate ofat Colorado State University, he hasnt 34% from 2019 to 2026, according to aseen other companies selling seed that ORrecently released Facts & Factors study.produces 100% female populations. Growers and seed companies alikeWe dont use the term feminized have been looking for the next big genet- seed, because scientifically, it doesnt ics to make farmers ROI really boom.make any sense, McKay says. We use NOTWith that search, the perhaps new-to-youthe terms monoeciousfemales that term feminized hemp seed, has arose.express pollen and male flowers, or But what exactly is feminized hempgender skewdeviation from a 50:50 seed, and does that term even makeratio of males to females.sense for the industry? Since not every variety makes 100% feminized hemp seed, McKay says theTHECreating a Female Population terms monoecious or female gender In essence, feminized hemp seed pro- skewed make more sense, though femi-NEWESTduces only female plants. Mike Scheffel,nized is the buzzword thats taken hold.managing director of policy and stand-ards with the Canadian Seed GrowersProblems with All Female PlantsHEMPAssociation (CSGA) says to understandWhen creating an all-female population, how that can happen, its important tothere are a few issues that can arise. take a step back. For example, one of the main pur-TRENDHemp is naturally a dioecious plant,poses for creating an all-female popula-meaning it has separate male and femaletion of hemp is to increase CBD within plants, he says. A normal cannabis varietythe plant (or other cannabinoids). or hemp variety will produce approximatelyUnfortunately, as the CBD level rises, so 50% female plants and 50% male plants. can the THC level. Feminized hemp seed Of course, that means the femaleIn the 2018 Farm Bill, one of the regula-is a growing buzzword, plants will have female flowers, and thetions outlined for hemp producers was but does it merit usepollen from the male plants will fertilizehemp has to be below the 0.3% THC level. the female flowers to produce seed forAny hemp tested and found to be above or will it just make yourthe next generation. However, to producethat 0.3% THC level is considered to be hemp go hot? Alex Martin a female-only plant, you have to producehot, or over the legal limit of THC. a masculinized female plant. Depending on the genetics, theres a At a certain stage of development,strict correlation between THC and CBD, you want to get the female plant to pro- says Scheffel. To still get a high level of duce male flowers and produce pollen,CBD, but also keep the THC below the Scheffel says. But, this is still a female0.3% level, you really cant take these plant, and all the pollen it produces willhemp plants past somewhere between only have XX chromosomes. 6-8% CBD. The higher it goes with CBD, When you fertilize a female plant withthe more it tends to drag up the THC that female pollen, the seed only pro- level, which causes the plants to get hot.duces female plants. However, dependingOne important study to note, McKay on the genetics and environmental condi- says, is by Larry Smart at Cornell tions, some of these plants may presentUniversity. The study worked to compare as monoecious, that is have both maleand see if there were any environmental and female flowers on the same plant. stressors that could affect the THC level While this is the goal of feminizedof hemp. 44/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2021'