b'CSGA / SEEDGROWERS.CA / TELL US WHY YOU LOVE CERTIFIED SEEDCELEBRATE 120 YEARS WITH US TO WIN, AND JOIN OUR SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING IN CALGARYWERE CELEBRATING 120years! If youve been following our social media, reading our newsletter, or flipping through yourHOW TO ENTER OUR September print issue of Seed World Canada, youll know weveSOCIAL MEDIA CONTESTkicked off our 120th Anniversary Contest. Were reminded that this incredible journey wouldnt have1. Follow at least 1 of our 3 social media been possible without our seed-growing community. Ouraccounts: Twitter (X), Facebook, LinkedInheartfelt gratitude goes to all those who came before us. Their2.Show us the passionate people behind hard work and determination have laid the strong foundationCertified seed by taking a photo (selfie, for the mission we continue to advance today. group, family, farm, etc.), sharing it on We are celebrating not only CSGAs longevity but also theTwitter (X), Facebook and/or LinkedIn, passion and resilience of our incredible community. Everyand briefly explaining why YOU love By Carolinestep weve taken, weve taken together, and to that, we want toCertified Seed. Do you have one of our Lafontaine,celebrate! I Heart Certified Seed stickers? Please CSGA ChiefWere launching a contest thats all about youshowcas- include it in your photo! Operating Officering the people from coast to coast who have made these 1203.Make sure to use the hashtag #CSGA120 years so meaningful and our sector strongall for a chance toor #ACPS120.WIN! Deadline: Nov. 29, 2024Seed growersand frankly, everyone in the seed sectortend to be humble, quietly serving as the first link in countless value chains. But now, its time to step up and celebrate whatPROPOSED BYLAW we do and why it matters. At the heart of this contest is oneCHANGES TO REINTRODUCE simple but powerful goal: sharing our stories.Other commodity and specialtyAFFILIATE AND ASSOCIATE groups proudly promote their contri- MEMBERSHIP CLASSESbutions. And why shouldnt we? Lets have a little pride in that Certified seedWe are also getting ready for an upcoming sticker! From talking to provincialSpecial General Meeting in Calgary on Nov. branches, I can tell you that our I26, where members will be asked to vote Heart Certified Seed stickers are a hoton proposed bylaw changes to enable the item at trade shows.reintroduction of Affiliate and Associate Now imagine if growers and sector experts started sharingmembership classes. photos of their workwhether running a combine or inspect- This initiative connects directly to our ing crops in the field. Thats exactly what our social mediawork on Seed Regulatory Modernization contest is all about: shining a spotlight on the incredible work(SRM), where were focused on creating a we do and showing it off with pride. more open and inclusive seed certification So, how can you enter the contest for your chance to winframework.a Pit Boss Wood Pellet Grill & Smoker? Simply follow us onAs CSGA aspires to become the main social media, post a photo, and tell us why you love Certifiedadministrator of Canadas seed certification seed! With #Harvest24 in full swing, everyone is out theresystem, its crucial that every stakeholder working hard, bringing certified seed into the bin and towho wants to be engaged in seed market. This is your moment to celebrate, share your story, andcertification can do so. be part of something bigger!After 120 years, its a good time to remind people of who we are and the foundational role we play. Our primary role is as a co-regulator with the Government of Canada, delivering that national seed For full info and documents concerning our Nov. 26 special member meeting incrop certification program. Were excited, Calgary, visit seedgrowers.ca/calendar/sgm-bylaws-nov26-2024 engaged, and ready for this next step!6 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADANOVEMBER 2024'