b"Shes also chair of the Association oftials, including being an accredited seniorAlways Learning From the OldOfficial Seed Analysts (AOSA) Advancedseed analyst, a registered seed technolo- and the NewTechnology Committee and thegist, a seed import conformity assessor,Janek BartelInternational Seed Testing Associationand a grader. She is also trained in smutLaboratory (ISTA) Purity Committee, and is work- testing and fusarium analysis.Manager, SGS ing with committees in both organiza- One of the key challenges in theCanada Crop tions to develop a guideline for advancedindustry, according to Buhler, is the lackSciencetechnology applications for computerof standardization in testing methodsSherwood Park, vision seed testing. between countries, particularly betweenAlta.Through her collaboration with thethe U.S. and Canada. As someone who CFIAs artificial intelligence lab, Wangholds accreditations in both Canada andJanek Bartel has established himself as is developing AI models that can auto- south of the border, she knows firsthanda forward-thinking seed analyst, known recognize difficult speciesthose thathow achieving greater uniformity in test- for embracing new technologies and even the most trained human eye mighting would allow labs to perform consist- challenging conventional approaches in struggle to identify. Its a topic shesent analyses, minimizing variables andthe industry. His curiosity and drive for excited to talk about as ISTA preparesenhancing the reliability of results. innovation have led him to explore areas to hold its annual gathering in Calgary,The need for greater uniformitythat push the boundaries of seed testing, Alta., from June 22-25, 2026the firstand collaboration is one reason shesespecially through advancements in time the ISTA Congress has been held insuch a big fan of the work done bymultispectral imaging.Canada since 1983.the International Seed MorphologyThis adaptability and vision are Wang represents the ISTA-designatedAssociation (ISMA), an initiative spear- central to Bartels approach. He believes authority of Canada and was instrumen- headed by Canadian Food Inspectionthat as cutting-edge technologies from tal in making the successful bid that willAgency (CFIA) officials in Saskatoon. industries like medicine and life sciences bring the event here. Other key playersTheyve really advanced the way webecome more affordable, they will revolu-in the bid included 20/20 Seed Labsaccess information. Back when I wastionize seed testing. President Sarah Foster, SGS Canadatraining, we relied on books, and someTheir technologies are becoming Crop Science Lab Manager Janekpictures were even hand-drawn. Now,more accessible, and that means we Bartel and CFIA Seed Section Nationalwith detailed descriptions and colourmight soon be able to use them in seed Manager Wendy Jahn. references, the tools we have are so muchtesting, he explains.Making the bid was a collaborativemore advanced, Buhler says.He points to the use of MRI scans for effort between industry and government,Recognizing the need for aware- seeds, a technology still in its research and Im really happy about that. Whenness and interest in agriculture, Buhlerphase but with exciting potential. both the private sector and governmentactively engages with local high schoolWho knows? Maybe one day well are involved and collaborating, it leads toand elementary students to demystify thebe able to detect damage in seeds without great things, Wang adds. role of seed analysts. In classrooms, sheeven touching them, Bartel says.shares insights about her work, hopingBut thats the future, and hes focused Advocating for Uniformity in Standards to inspire the next generation to consideron the here and now. Hes led, developed, Loretta Buhler careers in agriculture.or participated in a number of impact-Senior SeedAttending recent meetings in theful projects, including lecturing at the Analyst/LaboratoryU.S. has reinforced Buhler's belief in theInternational Seed Testing Association Lead, Nutrien Agimportance of harmonizing seed regula- (ISTA) germination workshop in Solutions Canada tions across borders. She expresses a keenBucharest, Romania, last September. He Carrot River, Sask. interest in participating in committeesalso led ISTAs special project on seedling focused on seed regulations and mod- images, similar to the seed health image With over 20 years of experience as aernization.collection, that in turn was led by team seed analyst, Loretta Buhler has wit- By fostering standardization inmember Nicole Calliou. nessed firsthand the importance oftesting methods and educating futureBesides being active on the ISTA uniformity in the field. She began hergenerations, she aims to enhance theGermination Technical Committee, journey in 1998 with Newfield Seeds andintegrity of the seed industry and inspirehe has also been involved with Seeds has spent the last two decades at Nutrien,a passion for agriculture in young minds.Canadas Seed Testing Quality Assurance where she currently serves as a senior seedTogether, she believes, we can build aCommittee since day one.analyst and lab lead. more consistent and knowledgeable com- Its pure curiosity that drives him. She works with more than 150 differ- munity around seed analysis. I enjoy diving in and figuring things ent species and holds multiple creden- out, no matter what it is. Take image 32 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA NOVEMBER 2024"