b'WHO KNOWS? MAYBE ONE DAY WELL BE ABLE TO DETECT DAMAGE IN SEEDS WITHOUT EVEN TOUCHING THEM.Janek Bartelanalysis, for example. I read about it,changes to methods and procedures thatrisks associated with use of a given heard about it, and thought, This couldreflect modern practices and elevate thesample. work. As soon as I had the chance to trystandards of our industry.And shes done it because she lives the equipment, I was all in. It didnt takeHer ongoing collaboration within a country where industries like hers long before I was working directly withthe Canadian Food Inspection Agencyare allowed to explore their potential for the manufacturer to build new classi- (CFIA) and the Seed Sector Traininginnovation.fiers, add new features, and really push itStrategy showcases her commitment toCanada has been allowing seed, forward, he says. enhancing seed testing procedures. germination, and disease testing to be Most recently, he played a crucialHer innovative mindset extends tohandled by the private sector for over 30 role in making a bid to bring the ISTAthe tools she employs. Take her seedyears now, says Kenward. Meanwhile, Congress to Canada in 2026, provingblower, for examplean unassumingthe U.S. still relies heavily on state col-this seed testing star is rising in the inter- piece of equipment that transforms howleges and universities to manage these national community.she approaches complex tasks. It mightprocesses, which keeps it largely under Now that ISTA is coming tolook basic, but its a game-changer, shegovernment control. Canada, it opens up whole new possibili- explains. By using various sieve sizes, weShe chairs the Canadian mirror com-ties for those who attend. Since travelcan efficiently separate seeds, especiallymittee for ISO/TC 34/SC 16 (Horizontal costs are basically eliminated, you canwhen working on complex forage mix- methods for molecular biomarker analy-potentially send a lot more people fromtures. Its all about finding smarter, moresis), providing expert opinions to form your lab. Its a great opportunity to sendefficient ways to get the job done. the Canadian government stance on our analysts to really high-value train- But her impact goes beyond technol- International Standard development. She ings without breaking the bank, and toogy. Greenan is a fierce advocate for theis also active in the Analytical Excellence showcase what Canada has to offer. seed testing community, believing thatin Industry Excellence (AEIC) Nucleic knowledge-sharing is essential for collec- Acids working group, and part of the Changing the Rules tive growth.International Seed Federation Genetic Lisa Greenan Supporting fellow analysts and pro- Resources Working Group on behalf of Senior Seedmoting the importance of seed testing isSeeds Canada.Analyst, Seed Checkvital for our industrys success, she adds.Recent work has involved bringing a Technologies new test to market originally developedLeduc, Alta. Creating New Services by the Canadian Grain Commission Kimberly D.(CGC) for malt barley varietal identifica-With over 20 years of experience, LisaKenward tion and purity assessment, making it Greenan has not only shaped industryR&D Manager,more readilyavailable to grain growers standards but has also fostered a collabo- 20/20 Seed Labs throughout the value chain.rative spirit among her peers. She servesNisku, Alta. Single seed analysis remains the on several key committees including thegold standard for varietal identification, Seeds Canada Canadian Methods andWith two decades of experience innovat- but this new method offers a more cost Procedures for Testing Seed Committee,ing DNA and RNA-based diagnosticefficient way to analyze larger numbers Seed Analyst Accreditation Committeemethods, Kim Kenward has built one ofof potentially mixed seed to identify the and the Seed Testing and QualityCanadas largest portfolios of moleculardominant variety within a seed lot and Assurance Committee.tests offered in agriculture a com- estimate its purity level, she says. We What drives me is the potential forprehensive service portfolio that detectswere all quite pleased with how well it improvement in our testing methods,bacteria, fungi, viruses, weeds, and cropworked. she says. We actively propose ruletraits in seed, tissue, and soil to assess 34 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA NOVEMBER 2024'