b'RETAIL STRATEGYwhich was all there from theresources. When we enhance start. one yield component, it oftenHOW YOU CAN POSITION YOURSELF AS A detracts from another. FORWARD-THINKING RETAILERIntelligent Breeding Her research combines As the world needs moregenetic strategies, high- 1.Collaborate with Breeders: Build relationships with plant breeders resilient and productive wheatthroughput phenotyping, andto stay informed on the latest advancements. Attending industry varietiessomething thatsadvanced technologies like AIconferences and engaging in field trials can give you a first look at essential for ensuring foodand deep learning.new varieties and their potential.security in an increasinglyTraditionally, many challenging climatescien- traits in the field are recorded2. Educate Your Customers: Provide farmers with up-to-date tists are using strategic genemanually, with people walk- information on new seed technologies and their benefits. Host field pyramiding and sophisticateding through the fields todays/demos to explain how innovative varieties can improve yields, technology to understandgather data. However, weredisease resistance, and sustainability.the phenotypic dynamics ofaiming to automate this winter wheat (such as winterprocess using drones. In our3.Stay Informed on Regulations: Keeping up with changes in dormancy and spring growthlab, we have various types ofagricultural policies, sustainability requirements, and breeding patterns). drones, and one innovativeinnovations ensures you can guide your customers through making Adele Jamalzei is a PhDaspect of my project involvesforward-thinking choices.student in plant breedingutilizing drones equipped4.Offer Niche Varieties: Diversify your seed offerings by including and genetics at Washingtonwith RGB (red, green, blue)high-potential niche crops. Supporting smaller, innovative varieties State University and a 2024cameras to capture traits thatcan attract customers looking for a competitive edge in emerging National Association for Planthavent been recorded by Breeding George Washingtondrones beforespecifically,markets like specialty grains.Carver Scholar. Shes at thecounting the spikes of wheat forefront of vital researchin the field using deep learn-aimed at enhancing wheating, she says. wheat varieties, shes essen- research to transform agricul-yield to meet the growingShes training a modeltially providing farmers withtural practices. global demand for food.that annotates each imagethe tools they need to increaseIn the next decade, we Yield in wheat is a mul- to identify these traits. Thistheir wheat production, evenwill witness a significant shift tifaceted trait, influenced byway, her team can automati- in challenging conditions.in how we approach breeding. various genetic factors.cally determine the numberThis could help reduce reli- Well see more crops that are One of the significantof spikes in the field withoutance on imports in developingsmartly bred for both yield challenges we face is the com- having to walk under the suncountries, thereby enhancingand sustainability, which pensatory effect, Jamalzeiand manually count them.food security. will be essential as we face notes. Improving one trait,I view this research asLooking toward theunpredictable growing seasons like grain size, can inadvert- playing a significant rolefuture, Jamalzei is optimisticdue to climate change, she ently reduce another, such asin the future of food secu- about the potential for wheatpredicts. grain number. Many previousrity, especially as the global studies have identified QTLspopulation continues to grow, or genes that enhance grainparticularly in regions where size, but transferring these toagriculture is limited.new varieties hasnt alwaysThe pressure is on plant resulted in yield improve- breeders to produce more ments. This is because plantsfood with fewer resources. have a limited amount ofBy developing high-yieldingWatch our webinar on this topic at seedworld.com/cereal-innovations-webinarSUPPORTED BY: ENDORSED BY:44 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA NOVEMBER 2024'