b'INCLUSION MEETS INNOVATIONThe National Association for Plant Breeding envisioned a new blueprint for the profession at its conference in St. Louis.Marc ZienkiewiczIN NORTH AMERICA, food security isntare met, people can work, learn, andpanelist Bobby Smith II noted. Smith II just about keeping grocery store shelvescontribute effectively, Callis-Duehl said.is a social scientist and associate professor stockedits about forging a progressiveWithout it, we face poverty, disparity,in the Department of African American future for the continent itself.and unrest. Studies at the University of Illinois This was underscored for over 400The timing for the panel was signifi- Urbana-Champaign. attendees at the National Association forcant, taking place just days after TractorCultural shifts provoke power strug-Plant Breeding (NAPB) conference in St.Supply and John Deere scaled backgles, he said. History has shown us that Louis, MO, from July 21-25. their DEI efforts. The panelists, includ- every time we want to make these cul-Co-hosted this year by Bayering Jeremy Williams (head of Climatetural shifts, theres always a backlash and Crop Science and the University ofLLC, Digital Farming and Commerciala pushback, and thats what were seeing Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the themeEcosystems for Bayer Crop Science)right now. Companies revert to previous was Rethinking, Reimagining andand Justin Raymundo (vice-presidentpractices when DEI efforts no longer help Revolutionizing Plant Breeding.of innovation ecosystem-building forthe bottom line. Its Business 101.The rethinking portion began withBioSTL), challenged these rollbacks, an opening night panel discussion, spot- stressing that inclusivity and diversity areRethinking Plant Breedinglighting the intersection of food securitycrucial for innovation and trust in theThat way of looking at the economics of with broader issues of diversity, equityagricultural sector. business can also be turned on its head and inclusion (DEI).Its shortsighted to abandon DEIto strengthen plant breeding, attendees Keynote speaker and moderatorinitiatives, Raymundo said. Theseheard. The NAPB is actively focusing on Kristine Callis-Duehl, principal investi- values drive innovation and build trust,collaboration and mentorship to drive gator and executive director of educationboth vital for addressing global foodthe next generation of plant breeding at the Donald Danforth Plant Sciencechallenges. innovation, to ensure a new generation of Center, noted that sciences role in agri- Williams echoed this sentiment,breeders have a mindset that will lead to culture is about more than just yield andemphasizing that diverse teams are nota progressive future for the profession. environmental impact. Food security isonly more productive but essential forNew NAPB president J.D. Rossouw, about ensuring that everyone has accessattracting top talent and maintaininghead of vegetables R&D for Bayer Crop to the essential nutrients that underpinpublic trust.Science, sat down to talk about why economic stability and societal function. However, the rollback of DEI effortsthe NAPB recently changed its name When fundamental needs like foodoften stems from shareholder pressure, asfrom the National Association of Plant 12 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA NOVEMBER 2024'