b'BUSINESS GROWTHA Digital Strategy Involves Way More Than Just Posting ContentSHAWN BROOK President, Seed World Groupsbrook@seedworldgroup.comseedworldgroup.com@SeedWorldGroupDIGITAL IS THEbackbone of everything now. But while its criti- tance of digital. But theres something unique about those cal to embrace digital, its equally important to understand thatwho are digital nativesthey approach things differently. truly upping your digital game involves having the right peopleAnd thats a perspective everyone in business needs to harness, on your side to do so. Only then can you develop a compre- especially given the diverse audience we serve. hensive strategy that helps achieve real business goals. Whether youre a seasoned industry veteran or part of Let me illustrate this with a story. Two years ago, we hiredthe younger generation, you must deliver a digital product a young woman named Rebecca. She arrived at Seed Worldthat resonates with everyone while continuously pushing the Group with bright eyes, a fresh perspective, and a relentlessenvelope.drive to tackle whatever challenges came her way.However, doing so involves more than just posting stuff on From the start, she delivered on multiple fronts. Internally,social media. Posting content isnt a strategy, its just noise. Its she played a pivotal role in supporting our editorial team andbut a single ingredient in the whole digital dish. The ingredi-shaping our digital strategy. Thanks to her efforts, we sawents are important, but you also need a talented chef. Thats significant growth in awareness, engagement, and all the keysomeone who knows how to help you draw up a map to ensure metrics that define success in the digital space. But at thatyoure headed in the right direction. Without that, youre likely point, her work was primarily behind the scenes, supportingto end up serving your audience the equivalent of a bad meal.our internal initiatives. Compelling content, the expertise to connect that con-Recently, we made a strategic decision to move Rebeccatent to the right platforms, and the strategy to ensure youre into a client-facing role. Our thinking was simple: we neededmoving toward your goals is the recipe for success. With the to give her more responsibility and more airspace to innovateright people and the right strategy, you can be confident in and challenge our thinking.navigating the digital landscape, cutting through the noise and As a digital-first organization, we understand the impor- reaching your audience.CONTRA-SEASON PRODUCTIONHarness Coveys 7 Habits to Build Stronger Relationships NICOLS SAHLI CEO, CIS Agronsahli@cischile.clcischile.cl CIS AgroI AM ALWAYSstriving to become a better person. In my journeylose, or lose-lose, one or both parties are going to leave feeling to become a better father, husband, leader and boss, I look fordepleted, and not feeling understood. Neither of these negative books and podcasts that offer guidance. One resource thatoutcomes are beneficial. deeply impacted me is Stephen Coveys 7 Habits of HighlyI have been reflecting on how these concepts apply to our Effective People. contra-season services.What stood out to me the most is the concept of theWe are honoured when clients trust us to multiply their emotional bank account. Covey explains that every interac- seeds, and we honour that with full transparency. In agricul-tion is either a deposit, by delivering trust and transparency,ture, there is always the chance that despite best efforts some-or a withdrawal when we do the opposite. Any human has atthing doesnt go completely as expected. We are always going some point felt the sting of having someone mislead us, and weto be 100% honest with our clients so we can problem-solve know how depleting that is.together. We want to keep the emotional bank account full. Building on this, Covey emphasizes the importance ofWe also take the time to understand potential clients seeking first to understand and then to be understood. Thisneeds and ensure we can meet those needs before we sign any can be a challenge in our distraction-filled world, but whethercontracts. With that understanding, we arrive at the desired with a family member, client or colleague, we build relation- win-win.ship when we actively listen. This allows us to ask clarifyingAs the CEO of a family-owned company, Im committed to questions, and when we truly understand their perspective, webuilding long-term, genuine relationships. Incorporating these can offer our own. habits is key to achieving that goal.When we are in tune with idea of the emotional bankHave you read Coveys book? What resonated most with account, it leads to another concept Covey outlinestheyou? Email me and lets talk!importance of win-win in every negotiation. If we have win-NOVEMBER 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 21'