b'the last number of months prior to thethat constructive outcomes may be on release of the survey results.the horizon.Senft said the CSGA had initiallyI feel like weve reached a point proposed its advisory committee wouldwhere something constructive is going to report to its own board of directors,come out of this, hopefully leading to an but later changed that to the CFIA. Foramicable resolution or agreement on how Seeds Canada, the issue is ultimately onethis body will move forward, Wall says.of accountability.In a statement, the CFIA said it sees Thats where we feel our ISSB ideaadvantages to having an advisory body, has an edge, he says. CFIA currentlyas it would be beneficial to have a venue has no oversight responsibilities overto discuss stakeholder needs and pro-CSGA. So even if the advisory commit- posed policy changes. tee advises CFIA, CSGA still holds theThe CFIA will continue to analyze authority to set and deliver standards, asthe input received from all sources and well as establish prices for services. consider the CFIA and Treasury Board Still, both sides remain committed toMichelle Wall is seed regulatory lead forof Canada Secretariats goals for mod-finding common ground.Syngenta Canada. ernization and what would be best for Were always willing to collaborate,Canadians and Canadas seed system as a Senft said. Its just that, for now, I thinkwhole, the statement said. we have a ways to go before we agree onseed industry. As such, putting stand- This will give all stakeholders the the advisory body concept. ards back into the hands of governmentopportunity to provide feedback on the Ultimately, both Miller and Senftwithout any input from regulated andgovernments direction prior to publica-agree that the goal is to modernize theimpacted parties isnt what Seeds Canadation of the proposed regulatory changes system.is advocating for in any case.in Canada Gazette, Part I, planned for We need a process that aligns withAt the end of the day, were still ofwinter of 2026.the demands of todays farmers, Millerthe opinion that the ISSB has a role toA CFIA policy paper will be comingsays. Its all about creating somethingplay in the future of the seed system,in spring of 2025, the statement added. cost-effective, efficient, and responsive toSenft said.their needs. Despite the disagreements that still Senft echoes this sentiment, whileexist, Michelle Wall, seeds regulatory also asserting that the process needs tolead for Syngenta Canada who currentlyRead the CFIAs new What we Heard Report at align with the realities of the modernsits on the Seeds Canada board, believesseedworld.com/wwh-newTHE LATEST SRM WHAT WE HEARD REPORT: KEY FINDINGSRecommendations and other proposals that were supported by surveyRecommendations and other proposals that received a mixed reaction respondents (more than 60% support): from respondents (less than 60% support): Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) should take over theEstablishment of an advisory committee with balanced responsibility of determining variety certification eligibility for crops notrepresentation from across the value chain for the purpose of making subject to variety registration. recommendations and providing input and advice targeted towards the An advisory committee should not be involved in standard setting,continuous improvement of Canadas seed system.but would be able to provide their advice that a particular standardRequire all seed types to be tested by officially recognized, accredited should be reviewed, or provide advice on such things as prioritizationor supervised labs only (or in the case of purity testing for crop kinds of standards for review. listed in Grade Tables I-VI, by an accredited grader).SeedCert should be expanded to include collecting informationOnly allow individuals to apply a common seed grade name if they are currently contained in the pedigreed seed declaration, seed gradingan accredited grader.reports and quantity of seed certified. Continue to allow imported seed to either be pre-cleared or post-The seed certification system would be improved if the Canadiancleared by an authorized importer but require all other seed imported Seed Growers Association took on additional seed certification tasksinto Canada to be pre-cleared only.currently being done by CFIA.10 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA NOVEMBER 2024'