b'THE WORLD OF Seed World CanadaThe Canadian seed industry contributes significantlyto the economy, with a value of over $6 billion,employing 63,000 Canadians and exporting morethan $640 million annually. It actively engages in theglobal seed trade, covering germplasm exchange, research and development, contract production for exports, and promoting new varieties. Public investments in seed research are substantial at the federal, provincial, and university levels, further enhancing the industrys impact. Marc Zienkiewicz Senior Editor, Seed World Canadamzienkiewicz@seedworldgroup.com PRINT PUBLICATION ENEWSLETTERS15,483 TOTAL MARKET REACH 5,097 SUBSCRIBERS5,161 MAILED DISTRIBUTIONSOCIAL MEDIAWEBSITE 919 FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS5,202 AVERAGE MONTHLY USERS 2,237 X FOLLOWERS9,404 AVERAGE MONTHLY PAGE VIEWS 1,527 LINKEDIN FOLLOWERSSeed World U.S.The U.S. seed market measured a whopping PRINT PUBLICATION$17.95B in 2022 and is expected to grow at arate of nearly 3.6% per year to reach $22.17B 25,395 TOTAL MARKET REACHU.S. by 2028. The U.S. seed industry isnt only8,645 MAILED DISTRIBUTIONimportant in economic contributions, it drives innovation across agriculture and allows the U.S. toWEBSITEbe a key agricultural leader on the world stage. Most20,797 AVERAGE MONTHLY USERSimportantly, the agile, forward-thinking nature of31,372 AVERAGE MONTHLY PAGE VIEWSthe U.S. seed industryand leadership in research, technology and productionallows us to feedENEWSLETTERSourselves and help feed our global neighbors too. 11,310 SUBSCRIBERSAimee NielsonEditor,SOCIAL MEDIASeed World U.S.3,691 FACEBOOK FOLLOWERSanielson@seedworldgroup.com5,171 X FOLLOWERS4,744 LINKEDIN FOLLOWERS 6GERMINATION.CANOVEMBER 2023'