b'THE SKILL OFBUILDING AN EFFECTIVE team is one of the most challeng-ing jobs in any business, agri-business included. Its not just a question of finding the right staff; its training and trusting those people to take on the right roles within your business. As DELEGATIONMalcolm Gladwell argues in his best-selling book The Tipping Point, First get the right people on the bus, then give them the right seat. For most leaders, hiring is the easier part. Effective delegation is another thing entirely. Delegation may appear easy, but it takes a greatWhat Makes an Effective Leader?deal of restraint for a leader to empower theirA good team starts with a good leader. To push their business forward, a leader needs strategic employees to make decisions and take action.vision. Specifically, they should deliver a client-driven mindset, supported by business acumen and the demonstrated ability Lisa Kopochinski to strategically analyze multiple factors that lead to concise, creative business plans with attainable financial goals, says Courtney White, head of human resources, agricultural solu-tions, North America at BASF. Additionally, an effective leader must be able to navigate and understand market strategy, short and long-term prod-uct supply, forecasting, and profitability that yield a healthy balance between short-term operating results and long-term market share development, he adds.Thats not all, however. Arguably most importantly, they need to have the people skills to support their team. James Lemoine, an associate professor and faculty director of the Center for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness at the University at Buffalo School of Management in New York, says the best leaders are generally conscientious, positive and trust-worthy team-builders. Boissevain Select Seeds, a family-owned seed conditioning and retail operation in rural Manitoba that was formed in 1971. Photo: Boissevain Select Seeds34GERMINATION.CANOVEMBER 2023'