17 • ASIAN SEED OREA SEED REPORT Seed Movements (tonnes/month) This report is based on international trade data reported by the International Trade Commission, which cites Korea Customs and Trade Development Institute (KCTDI). APSA does not provide any guarantees about validity or accuracy of that data. The report is intended to highlight general trends but does not represent the full picture of seed trade, particularly in respect to domestic demand and consumption. Most of the data referenced in this report covers a five-quarter (20-month) period, from May 2016 to December 2017, with the exception of references to Korea’s international trading partners for vegetable seed imports and exports, as well as forage seed imports, which was logged from the period starting June, 2016 through to January, 2018. The types of sowing seed analyzed include field crops (maize, rough paddy, soya bean, sugar beet, barley, cotton, groundnut, millet, oats, seed potato, sorghum and wheat); forage (alfalfa, clover, fescue, ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass); fruits and various types of horticulture crops, including herbaceous flowering plants, spores, herbs and vegetables. ABOUT THIS REPORT