76 / SEEDWORLD.COM JUNE 2018 SINCE1915 ThefirstissueofSeedWorldwaspublishedin1915.Heretheeditorswilltakeyoubackintimeto explorethenumbers,newsandissuesthatimpactedtheseedindustry—allcoveredbySeedWorld. 1915 1920 1924 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1947 1950 1955 1960 1965 1968 1970 1975 1979 1980 1985 1987 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Studies made of precooling to prevent decay in red raspberries; these studies led to precooling as an established agricultural practice. A MOMENT IN TIME ON THE COVER: American Seed Trade Association president Robert Thedinger. Our August 1979 issue included a feature on public and private roles in seed improvement. “We in the seed trade believe that applied research programs should be the responsibility of the private sector for those crops which by their nature offer plenty of economic incentive for breeders. In this area, incentive breeds success,” wrote Thomas Roberts, chairman and CEO of DeKalb AgResearch, who went to bat for private sector research in the realm of seed technology. “Research on hybrid seeds, for example, should be a private sector function because hybrids are proprietary and must be repurchased each year, so the plant breeder has a chance to profit from his labors.” He added an appeal to Congress: “Please recognize that the seed industry is one of historically demonstrated responsibility — and keep your overzealous regulators off our backs.” FACTS AND FIGURES FROM THIS 1979 ISSUE: 6,000 bushels of ear corn is what a new processing plant in Clinton, Ill., is capable of handling. 1.5 bushels per acre is the annual hybrid corn yield bump during the past 40 years. 24 is the number of bushels per acre corn production had risen since 1935. 96 is the age of the American Seed Trade Association. 3 million is the number of corn acres grown in Canada. First 100-percent soybean ink developed in four colors. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act passed; replaced Insecticide Act of 1910. President Coolidge appointed a nine-man President’s agricultural conference. Team alfalfa released; ozone resistant.