16 / SEEDWORLD.COM JUNE 2018 AkaSprout Seed Colorants are a technologically advanced and widely compatible dispersion line specifically designed for the agricultural market. aakashchemicals.com 12 Colors Listed on the EPA’s Trade Name Database 40 CFR 180.920 • Multiple Concentration Levels • Widely Compatible • Improved Film Formation: Enhances Seed Protection Supports Plant Development Provides Smoother Seed Coating Balances Absorption Rates Significant Dust-Off Reduction • Custom Colors • Toll Manufacturing mentally and physically) and replenish. Failing to protect your emotional and cognitive resources eventually leads to burnout.” The seed industry is no exception to this study. Recently, Canada’s Do More Agriculture Foundation (Do More Ag) hosted a panel discussion about mental health in Alberta. Do More Ag focuses on creating awareness about mental health in agriculture and creating a community and foundation to let the industry and producers know that they are not alone. According to Do More Ag, 35 percent of producers in Canada met the criteria for depression; 45 percent were classified as having high stress; and 58 percent met the criteria for having anxiety. “We’re realizing as an industry that we are people. We aren’t these machines that keep going and going,” says Kim Keller, one of the four founders of Do More Ag. “As a farm, we need to run the most efficiently we can. How can we keep doing that if we ourselves are not working at peak performance?” “You don’t want to hold it all in and have a blow up come har- vest,” says Lesley Kelly, another founder of Do More Ag. Keller says mental health is the biggest risk to the agriculture. Without a firm work-to-personal-life balance, mental health can plummet. Without strict office hours, employees might face a complete burnout from carrying the work stress throughout the day. Burnouts can manifest in different ways: an increase in slacking off, pent-up frustration releasing within the workplace or even an attempt to find a new job. Kim Keller is a founder of Canada’s Do More Agriculture Foundation, which aims to increase awareness about mental health.