11 • ASIAN SEED USTRALIA SEED REPORT Australian melon seed was exported at the staggering average rate of $1,862/ kg, which would equate to $1.86mn/t; however the total volume of this type of seed exported during the focus period was just 51 kg, imported by New Zealand, France and the US. Although field crop seed represented more than 77% of exported volume, these types of staple grain seeds accounted for just 21% of the market, which was dominated by forage crop seeds (55%) even though these types of livestock- supporting seeds accounted for just 15% of the exported volume. Though vegetable seeds made up only about 3% of exported volume, this type of lucrative commodity claimed more than 18% of the market. Inbound Of the 27,705 tonnes of sowing seed imported into Australia during the focus period, field crops made up just 5% volume, compared to seed of forage crops, which made up nearly 80% of all seed imports. An overwhelming majority of imported forage crop seeds were ryegrass (Loliummultiflorum lam.), making up 67% of all inbound volumes, though only representing 15% market share. Not surprisingly, vegetable seeds were the most lucrative import category, claiming just over half the market, while making up 7% of inbound consignments. Wholesome Veggies Vegetable varieties made up half of all of Australia’s (4,183 t, $43mn) exported seeds, though only about 7% of imports (not counting coriander or melon cultivars). These seeds went to 49 countries, but a majority (95%) went to just six. More than half (55%) of the veg seeds, or 2,288 tonnes, went to Indonesia. Other leading importers were Hong Kong and the Netherlands (both 11%), Japan (8%), France (6%) and New Zealand (4%). Veg seeds were exported at an average of $10/kg; Australia’s top export market was the Netherlands, which imported 470.43 t worth $22mn, just under half of the market, equating to an average of $44/kg. The second biggest market for Australian vegetable seed was Japan, which imported 353 t worth $6.7mn, or nearly 15% of the market, at an average $18/kg; France imported 242 t worth $6mn or 13.5% share, with an average price of $24 per kg. Though Indonesia imported more Australian vegetable seeds than any other country during the focus period, it obtained the seed at the most economic price, about 89 cents per kg, totaling up to $2.1 million worth of seed, under 5% of the market. Other countries who imported Australian seed at below- average rates were Hong Kong ($2.9/kg); Vietnam ($4.9/kg); South Korea ($5.1/ kg); Singapore ($6.2/kg); India ($8.6) and China ($9.6/kg). On the other end of the value spectrum, countries that paid the highest premiums for Australian vegetable seed were Uruguay ($11,750/kg), Portugal($4,000/kg), Norway