48 / SEEDWORLD.COM JUNE 2018 INTERNATIONAL BORDER crossings all have one thing in common: paper- work and plenty of government officials on the spot to make certain everything about that paperwork is complete and correct. Flying between the United States and Canada is usually a straight forward process. Present your passport, answer a few simple questions, and those border guards are happy to send you on your way. No one really cares if your passport photo is the worst ever — your passport is your identification. For seeds to cross the border between the United States and Canada, they also must be accompanied by the proper paperwork — not a passport per se, but a seed test certificate issued by an accred- ited seed testing laboratory, which uses accepted testing procedures. My pass- Test Certificate — Seed’s Passport to Get Into Canada TERRY DUNFIELD, EUROFINS BDI SEED QUALITY TESTING MANAGER IN LONGMONT, CO TerryDunfield@eurofinsUS.com • eurofinsus.com/biodiagnostics port was issued by the U.S. Department of State. Seed test certificates for seed crossing the U.S.–Canadian border are issued by laboratories accredited by the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA), the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST), and the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada (CSAAC). Other parts of the world use the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA). Throughout time, these three North American organizations have tried hard to “harmonize” their rules, meaning they have tried to keep them similar as to make life easier for everyone. Although the Canadian methods are remarkably similar to the rules used in the United States, the purity amount, as well as how the test is reported, is very important for a seed lot to be able to cross from the United States into Canada. Enough seed must be provided to the seed lab to satisfy the quantity requirement specified by Canadian Methods and Procedures, the standard operating procedure followed by the CSAAC. The required amount varies depending on the spe- cies being tested. It is the seed shipper’s responsibil- ity to submit the correct amount of seed for testing and to request the correct tests. If in doubt, ask your seed testing lab before submitting a sample. Providing the wrong amount of seed to be tested will cause one of those government officials to become very unhappy, refuse your certificate, and not allow your seed to enter Canada. HOW DO YOU become leading within the industry, with a product that out- shines all its competitors? Is it by following everyone else’s footsteps? Swedes have a saying that goes, “Only the dead fish follow the stream.” The same goes for you, when the key is to provide a seed with qualities and values that everyone aspires to achieve. NoroGard will help you become an independent seed processing corporation in four steps. First, make your own recipes. Our NoroGard laboratory seed coaters are top of the line, developed and designed with support from seed breeders and labora- tories worldwide in order to provide the ideal laboratory batch treaters for coating and pelletizing. This includes high preci- sion, accuracy and high application quality. As well as a batch treater, which is easy to operate and clean, with a perfect pelletizing result. By making your own recipes, you keep the knowledge within your own circle, as well as being able to profit by cutting down on intermediaries. Secondly, making sure to provide our customers with customization options in order to present equipment that is com- pletely fitted to your needs. All NoroGard seed coaters are equipped with the sophis- ticated technology you need to achieve cutting edge performance. Offering a tailored product that is fit to your needs provides a great advantage as this proves an opportunity to grow and develop your business. Third, providing our customers with technical support. All our seed coaters are designed and produced within our facilities. This means we are in full control of every step along the production line, and our technicians are part of the development of our machinery. Regardless of what query or thought you may have regarding your NoroGard Seed Coater, we make sure to maintain the support you need, when you need it. And last, we provide our customers with a product that has a long-lifetime and a low life cost. A good economy in your investment calls for a quick return of invest- ment, without intermediaries within the process chain. The NoroGard seed coat- ers are designed to last for up to 20 years which means that not only do you gain multiple advantages with your NoroGard seed coater, the same advantages will also bring you a fast return of investment which will lay ground for further profitability. So, how´s your business? Are you pro- viding the seed with qualities and values that everyone aspires to achieve? 4 Steps to Becoming “Market Leading” KETTY NILSSON NOROGARD PRESIDENT @NoroGardAB • Ketty@NoroGard.com • NoroGard.com