10 / SEEDWORLD.COM DECEMBER 2017 CONTENTS/DECEMBER2017 Features, continued AOSCA Certifications Have Global Influence Uniform seed certification standards maintain varietal purity. Will Pot Slow Demand for Barley Varieties? With legalized cannabis on the horizon in Canada, what might this mean for malt barley? Innovation Broadens Scope of Corn Breeding Capabilities One goal for corn breeders remains the same: developing hybrids that can lower costs and increase yields for farmers. Analyzing Risk with an Ancient Brain Consumers are reluctant to accept genetically modified crops. The reason why has been millions of years in the making. Protecting Pollinators: Surviving in the Hive How beekeepers help their colonies combat the cold. Eliminate Endpoint Subjectivity Discover how one research team seeks to find the perfect seed treatment endpoint by listening to the seeds. Out of This World Plant Research Looking for plants to feed interplanetary space travelers. Spreading the Gospel of Agriculture This year’s World Food Prize winner helped lift millions of farmers out of poverty by enabling better access to quality seed. ISSS Looks at Seeds as Systems The International Society for Seed Science showcases groundbreaking research at its 12th triennial conference. Innovation Offers No Guarantees Creating something new and exciting doesn’t ensure your success. The Winner will Always be the Grower Local Seed Co. opens in Memphis, Tennessee with a direct- to-grower platform under CEO Charles Michell. Finding the Missing Link Researchers from Umeå and Wageningen University in The Netherlands find a protein that hinders aphid destruction. Q&A with Jeff Shaner Jeff Shaner, regional seed and technology manager and soybean product lead at AgVenture, shares advice on soybean selection and travel destinations. 50 54 58 61 66 68 78 88 90 94 98 100 102 68 Q&A with David Hollinrake David Hollinrake, North America President of Syngenta Seeds, speaks about changing mindsets from crops to seeds at Syngenta. Q&A with Shawn Conley University of Wisconsin at Madison’s Shawn Conley shares about the versatility of soybeans and his children’s book Coolbean the Soybean. Q&A with Diego Risso Diego Risso, executive director of the Seed Association of the Americas (SAA), talks about the SAA challenges and plant breeding changes in South America. Where’s the Exit? David Rourke and Dana Maxwell’s approach to succession planning is a good model to follow to help you look ahead. Cover Crops Few new varieties are being developed specifically for cover crops, as most are being selected. 104 106 107 112 122 88 107