b'Dr. Tina Barsby , Szonja Csrg , John H. Duesing, Treena Hein, Dr. Edgar Krieger, Neils Louwaars, Pivi Mannerkorpi, Hlne Khan Niazi, Joe Schwarcz, David ZarukVOLUME 8, ISSUE 2europ a seede nKemp House, 152-160 City Road, London EC1V 2NXCONTRIBUTORSUnited Kingdom Melanie Epp, Treena Hein, Niels Louwaars, Catherine Regnault-Roger,PUBLISHER Joe Schwarcz, David ZarukShawn Brooksbrook@seedworldgroup.comADVISORY BOARDEDITORIAL DIRECTOR - EUROPEAN SEEDRachel Blumel, UFS Marcel Bruins mbruins@seedworldgroup.com Alberto Lipparini, AssosementiMikls Fazekas, Alfaseed EDITORIAL DIRECTOR - SEED WORLD GROUPNigel Moore, KWS Sonja Begemann sbegemann@seedworldgroup.com Carl-Stephan Schfer, BDP Antonio Villaroel, ANOVE MANAGING EDITOR Suzanne Barratt, BASF Michelle Clarkemclarke@seedworldgroup.com Martin van der Voort, Bejo Zaden STAFF WRITERSChris Green, Green ResourcesAlex Martin, Ashley Robinson, Marc Zienkiewicz Valentina Garoia, Euroseeds Stig Oddershede, DLF ADVERTISING SALESGerard Backx, HZPC Craig Armstrongcarmstrong@seedworldgroup.com Adrian Giordani, Bayer Dean Frenchdfrench@seedworldgroup.comSam Mostafasmostafa@seedworldgroup.com european-seed.comMARKETING facebook.com/EuropeanSeed Theresa Ramsoomairtramsoomair@seedworldgroup.com twitter.com/EuropeanSeedShelby Colbertscolbert@seedworldgroup.comCREATIVESUBSCRIPTIONSEuropean Seed Kyle Dratowanykdratowany@seedworldgroup.com is published four times a year. Europeansubscription rates are: one year 30. International: one year 75.Lesley Nakonechnylnakonechny@seedworldgroup.comTo subscribe please email subscribe@seedworldgroup.com. Theresa Ramsoomairtramsoomair@seedworldgroup.comCLIENT SERVICES Ewa Jzefowicz Amadorejozefowiczamador@seedworldgroup.comPlease recycle where facilities exist. Lindsay Hoffmanlhoffman@seedworldgroup.comCREATE STRATEGY SERVICES No part of this magazine may be reproduced withoutAiden Brook abrook@seedworldgroup.com the written permission of the publisher.Printed in EnglandCIRCULATION Dean Frenchdfrench@seedworldgroup.com2IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'